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road noise

im on a trip to bike week in daytona rite now. i must say you are rite about the noise. up in new york i had to stop and look cause it sounded like a tire was coming apart. it was ok but i never had a car with so much tire noise. i have been making this trip for 11 years now and in C4s or trucks and never had anything like this before. and it dose like to follow the lines in the road, to the point that it will change lanes. as soon as i got past the GW bridge the roads where much better. so the road condtion makes a big diff..my buddy took my bike down for me this year so me and my wife could take our time and i wanted to take the vette. the rest of the drive so far has been great, the car is nice to drive and getting 30 mpg. at 80 and 90 mph. no complaints there. i will be stopping by dale earnharts place and going to moroso speedpark for the all chevy show, hope to see my grand sport there the guy i sold it to lives in palm beach gardens. ill let you all know how the car is after a 3000. mile trip
Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! I'm glad I'm 13 miles from Butler.
Butler, is that like in Rhett Butler?
No , its more like as in inbred Butler . Nice and warm over there Tom ?
Cookin'! it was 12 when I went to bed last night. 7 now.

Indiana always gets the good stuff!!

If you still had Bobby Knight it wouldn't be that cold over there. You could have treated him better you know.
I like Bobby !! I'm was an amatuer hockey player . I understand INTENSITY . Nice guys and boyscouts can play on someone else's team .
So why didn't you treat him better????

I guess what I’m saying is that being intense is fine but he got out of hand. He no longer could bully people to get what he wanted and he believed he was invincible. Not a bad thing when you’re trying to win but you still need to act within the confines of being civil. That was lost after a very impressive career, just like Mike Tyson did from the get go.
99 Hardtop

Well, I've just traded my 94 for a 99 Hardtop. Great ride and structure. The 99 has 25000 miles. I really like it so far, but I'm trying to get use to it still. Talk about gas mileage! Sixth gear 80mph and still under 2000rpm. Unreal!
Congratulations Todd ! Your going to love it . Tell us more about it !
Re: AHHHH ... Bad news

98TXRed said:
No power (I can't even open the trunk!).

There is a silver cable on the rear inside bulkhead for manually opening the trunk in the event you lose electrical power.

You can reach it by moving either seatback forward and reaching into the trunk. It sticks out through the middle of the carpeting.


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