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(Picture Thread) Show your C4 to the world!

1994 Brickyard 400 Parade Car

Here is my 1994 Brickyard Parade Car. :thumb

For more info on the car see my thread http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/new-member-introductions/134172-new-guy-san-diego.html







I just got my 1985 Blue Vette that had ONLY "32,395" Miles on it, and I'm the 3rd owner, the 2nd owner gave me, 16 Years worth of EVERY Oil Change or Maintenance the car had received in a nice folder along with a Car Cover, and a spare set of floor mats, and a "BIG" Blue Print of a C-4 Vette. which she got from the cars Original owner, who was her neighbor, the car is VERY Clean, with just mostly "DETAIL" work needed under the hood, the Blue '85 replaces my Yellow '87, which I "FOOLISHLY" SOLD and have KICKED myself ever SINCE!! LOL!! It's "GOOD" to be back in a Vette and here on the CAC!! :happyanim:
Back in the saddle

I just got my 1985 Blue Vette that had ONLY "32,395" Miles on it, and I'm the 3rd owner, the 2nd owner gave me, 16 Years worth of EVERY Oil Change or Maintenance the car had received in a nice folder along with a Car Cover, and a spare set of floor mats, and a "BIG" Blue Print of a C-4 Vette. which she got from the cars Original owner, who was her neighbor, the car is VERY Clean, with just mostly "DETAIL" work needed under the hood, the Blue '85 replaces my Yellow '87, which I "FOOLISHLY" SOLD and have KICKED myself ever SINCE!! LOL!! It's "GOOD" to be back in a Vette and here on the CAC!! :happyanim:

Very nice! It's hard to imagine a vette with so few miles on it! You'd think one of the owners would have put some serious miles on it in 28 years! you're very lucky!
Welcome back into the world of Vettes!
Glad to see this thread still going, lots of nice C4’s.:cool Frontal shot of my ’96 LT4.


IMG_9044.jpgJust turned 24K miles.


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NTM Vette

Picked this up 2 weeks ago: 86 Convertible with a Tremec 5 speed installed. Came from a car auction in N.M.
89 and 92...

Sold my 89 on Saturday and bought my 92 on Sunday! lol There is no time for an empty garage. The 89 convertible had 46,000 miles on it and the 92 has 41,000. I picked up the 92 for only $7,400.

vetteshiny.jpg92 vette.jpg
Picked this up 2 weeks ago: 86 Convertible with a Tremec 5 speed installed. Came from a car auction in N.M.
Bet that Tremec makes it a sweet ride. Congrats
Makes it easy to fall in lust with the C4s... again

Thanks to all for the gorgeous Corvettes, here. Ya gotta love the iterations, expressing each owners' dreams. After 28 years with this '84, I am still finishing it!
FrntTornDown.jpg SuperRammed 409. Yeah, it's nasty quick and not subtle.

NiceTips.jpgShinoda rear with handmade tips, akin to Larry's design.

HoodVentsPrePrimeR.jpgHood vents, handmade by Jerri.

PartsInColor.jpg watching paint dry!

ShinodaRFrNeedsHeadlites.jpg modeling the altered C6 headlight inserts; will sit under molded Plexi.

Some other pics were lost in a computer failure. :w
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WP, I've admired your ride from the gate, and I have to thank you for the photos; I got to see how that beauty went together :happyanim::cool!:

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