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(Picture Thread) Show your C4 to the world!

Gone but not forgotten .........my 90 coupe.


Just popped in to say hey and post a pic :)

My sweet 1995 green with envy as it's not easy to be green:rotfl


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My 1986 Project

There are a lot of nice shots of vette's on here, mine are not as glamorous as the others but it is my 1st Corvette and 1st project and it will be nice when fully restored.


Will post improvements when they are made.
1990 coupe

Not a bad trade, Had a 85 260 SeaRay- straight across trade. I'm HAPPY:happyanim::happyanim:
Just bought this coupe a few weeks ago. Just joined here. This is my second C4. This one has Z51, 6spd
1989 Vette 2.jpg
Welcome to CAC!

Beautiful Vette!

I especially like the rocker enhancements and the wing.

What was your first C4?

Please be sure to be SAVING the WAVE! :w
Thanks. It has the Eckler's kit. My first C4 was an '85 Automatic car.:w
I enjoy revisiting this thread and seeing all of these awesome C4s!

Including yours Crew. How 'bout some new pix?!?

:wJane Ann

Hi Jane Ann.

As soon as I have some new pics, I will post, them. I have my LT-4 in “storage” in my garage. Back in school working on my RN, so I haven’t been able to spend much time with my car. I have a schedule that I keep to roll it out, start it up/let it run. It’s killing me, especially with the nice weather we’ve been having!

I know all about "busy"! Good for you on your quest for your RN! My hat's off to anyone who works to better their lot in life through ambition and sacrifice. Let me know when you complete the course and I'll raise a glass in your honor. :thumb

Hope you get a chance to scratch that Corvette itch soon.
:wJane Ann
new pics after wheels

:wheres a few pics with the new wheels and tires. went with 18's 275.45.18 all around 123 029.jpg123 031.jpg123 043.jpg123 039.jpg:w
I know all about "busy"! Good for you on your quest for your RN! My hat's off to anyone who works to better their lot in life through ambition and sacrifice. Let me know when you complete the course and I'll raise a glass in your honor. :thumb

Hope you get a chance to scratch that Corvette itch soon.
:wJane Ann

Thank you, for the kind words Jane Ann!

I will certainly let you know when I have completed the program and I will definitely be raising a glass along with you when this is all over. Going back to school is why I haven’t been able to post as much as used to.

This is my little gal, she only two weeks old to me but I am in love bad, real bad. Photography is not up to par as Toms01 (great car by the way) but we'll get there in time. A bit of work to do but thats kind of what it is all about. Cheers, :beer
Looks great! I had an '88 that looked like yours. I loved that car. To me there is nothing like the clam shell hood. That is cool.:thumb
This is my little gal, she only two weeks old to me but I am in love bad, real bad. Photography is not up to par as Toms01 (great car by the way) but we'll get there in time. A bit of work to do but thats kind of what it is all about. Cheers, :beer
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Thank you very much for the compliment. It was a very nice car and I still miss it. Unfortunately the area where those pictures were taken, succumbed in the wild fires a couple weeks ago. (Bill or Scott, correct me if I am wrong). It may take a while before that area looks like that again.
'94 on Fall Drive

Driving my '94 on the "Tail of the Dragon" on the Tennessee / North Carolina boarder during the fall. A really nice day trip if anyone is in that area.


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