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Planet 67 gets under way...

Sweet, keep the reports coming !
Due to the afternoon heat, I was beginning to lightly damage the new shingles by working while standing on them, so I quit for the day. I'll get more done in the cool of tomorrow morning. :thumb

All that's left is the cut-out for one more vent, where the remaining shingles are stacked now, and then shingle around all four vents and the skylight, followed by cutting and nailing caps down the four hip ridges.

Looks like you will be ready when the drought is over. :L
On to the next phase of this odyssey. :W



I need 8 of these........."A" gravel..........for fill in the garage.


Gone for more.

On the weekend, I'll be whipping gravel around with a Bobcat. :upthumbs
Are you wheel-barrowing all that inside?:ohnoes:W;help;shrug

You're going to need help, man!

Met my match today.


Some time ago, we decided to break up the old concrete patio and replace it with a more up-to-date design. And, the idea was to throw the concrete pieces in below the garage fill.

This morning, I rented this 15-amp electric jack hammer. I didn't take long to discover that the patio is 6 inches thick!!!! Six inches!!!! Concrete was cheap in the 1960's. :rotfl

The patio is approx. 20' x 40' (800 sq.ft.) and after two hours, this was all I got done.....about 12 sq.ft. :eyerole And, don't let anyone tell you those jack hammers are easy. :W



So, when the Bobcat arrives tomorrow, in addition to the bucket, it'll have a hydraulic breaker attachment. Time to go cowboy on this patio. :bang
As heavy as that pad is, why not leave it in place and resurface it?


We want to go back to lawn at the far end and extend the near end to an area that has great shade. That way, we'll have both sun and shade areas for entertaining.

Also, since interlocking will likely be the material of choice, we need to get back down to soil.
Interlockers are great for drainage, looks and durability. Good call!!

So, when the Bobcat arrives tomorrow, in addition to the bucket, it'll have a hydraulic breaker attachment. Time to go cowboy on this patio. :bang

Oh baby!!!! That hydraulic jack-hammer Bobcat (skidsteer) attachment weighs almost 600 lbs. I can't wait to hook it up and wake the birds in the morning. :chuckle

It came in the bucket and is so big it almost filled it. :thumb




I got most of 48 cu.yds. of fill into the garage this evening. Those skidsteers are amazing. After 20 minutes of messing around, I got the hang of it. :upthumbs
Finally got a vehicle into the garage.



And, this 700 lb. (yes 700 lb.) vibrating tamper is amazing!!! Shakin' the bacon. ;)

After looking things over, I figure I need another 48 yards of "A" gravel and 24 yards of crushed stone before the cement trucks roll in.

Unfortunately, I got five minutes with the hydraulic jack-hammer before a pressure line broke. So, the patio remains. :mad

You are one energetic guy. I didn't have that much energy when I was young! Wow!
Are you going to use a moisture barrier and insulate over it before pouring the slab?


Yes, the plan is still to use Celfort panels.


I think I'll cut and fit the 2' x 8' panels, number them with a Sharpie and then pull most of them up leaving a row or two along the rear wall. Then we'll start dumping wheelbarrows full of concrete on them. As we move towards the front wall, we'll just drop more panels in place and pour on them, meaning we don't run across them with loaded wheelbarrows. I doubt they'd survive otherwise. ;shrug

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