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possible to jump?

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My vette won't start now after the long winter, it has been down 2 months. I know,
I know, should've disconnected the battery. But I intended to drive it at least once
a month to work (50 mi rnd trp), except that this winter sucked and there wasn't one
good day to do that. There's still salt water all over the road now.

Anyway, the battery is like 5 years old. There is still enough power that the interior lights work, although a tad dim. The keyless entry is not opening on the driver's side, but it
is on the passenger's.

Is this battery worth jumping? Or is it going to leave me in 2 weeks after I bring it back
from the semi-dead? My inclination is to go for a new battery.

Sothpaw, I just bought a bat. charger for $20. It has a 6 amp and a 2 amp charge. I charged it all the way up and I will put the 2 amp on it once a week or so to keep it charged. If your bat is 5 years old you may just want to get a new one but I figured I would be going through this every winter so I might as well get the charger. You can borrow it if you want. Guy
Battery Charge Levels

If you have an accurate voltmeter or a digital voltmeter (preferred), just check your battery voltage at the battery terminals (with nothing on). The following numbers are for the newer gel type batteries, but regular lead acid batteries are not too far off from these numbers:

12.6 - 12.8 Volts_ 100% Charged
12.4 - 12.6 Volts_ 75% - 100%
12.2 - 12.4 Volts_ 50% - 75%
12.0 - 12.2 Volts_ 25% - 50%
11.7 - 12.0 Volts_ 0% - 25% Charged

As long as the battery measures 11.5 volts or more right now, you should be able to jump start the car and charge it up with 30-90 minute drive, using the alternator in the car. A better plan (no potential damage to the alternator due to high charging current) would be to use a battery charger and put it on the slow charge mode (usually 1-2 amps of current) for 8-12 hours. Monitor the battery voltage every so often with the charger disconnected. Hopefully, the battery's voltage will get up to the mid-twelves and stay there.

I think it is a good idea to get one of those manual battery disconnect switches and disconnect the battery if you are not going to drive the car at least every three weeks or so. As a car battery ages, it will have a harder time dealing for longer time periods with the at rest 50-150 milliamp current draw that modern cars all seem to have these days.

BTW, I am just going through this scenario myself right now, because I forgot to turn off my battery disconnect switch before going off on an extended trip. For us forgetful types, Ecklers has an electronic switch (about $70) that will automatically disconnect the battery from your car's electronics when the battery voltage level drops below a certain point.

hope this helps
I'd say just spend the $70 on a new battery and not worry about it for the next 5 years. Just my humble opinion.
I know what you and vetteguy mean, I've had mine covered since I bought it in Jan. Have new tires but still have to get them on. Snow and rain messed my plans all up. Are you down by White Marsh Mall? If so I'm not far from you either.
As to jump starting you vette I would'nt reccomend it 'cause too many electronics and it would be cheaper to buy a batt than to burn something out. I also have a small charger at work and your welcome to borrow it.

Five year old Battery has already done its job. Time for a new one I believe. Get it now while you can, or get it jumped off and it might let you down in the wrong place at the wrong time......:z
Corvettes and Batteries

Older batteries that get drained in cold weather are dead even if they can still turn on a light. Keeping a good battery is the best insurance against getting stuck out somewhere with a car that won't start.

My personal experence with Corvettes it that you get to feed them new batteries at a very high rate compared to regular passenger cars. Any one else out there a member of the 'battery a month' club :) ?
The battery a month club probably won't have a large membership, but I'm sure that in the northern states and for those vettes that aren't daily drivers. Everyone could qualify for the battery a year club.

I have battery charger with a timer, I try to remember to keep the battery disconnected when not in use, and I keep an eye on the voltmeter when I'm doing testing and interior work during the winter so it doesn't get too low.

If you got five years out of the battery, it has been good to you.

Tonight I'll see what I have, if not, I'll buy a voltmeter
just for giggles. I may go for the charger also.

Vetteguy, sumoboy,

What kind of chargers do you have and where did you
get them? Sears? I'm 1 mile from the White Marsh mall, maybe we could cruise together sometime. In June (usually around June
20) there's an all corvette drag race at Cecil county. I always
make that a point along with Carslile.
Back when I was boating we used a charger call ¨Consta-Volt¨, spelling could be wrong. These chargers cycle the battery, charge and discharge it, constantly as the name implies. I have had many batteries live for more than 3 years in the in-hostile environment of a boats bilge. Maybe one of these would work for you folks up north. I forgot what snow looks like, 72º and clear skies today.:upthumbs
I bought the charger at Walmart for $20. Cruising sounds good when weather is better. I try and make it to Carlisle every year. Usually go on Fri. Nice Vette show on March 23 @ Bob Bell Chevy in Bel Air. I'll be there. Guy
I have a battery charger that works well for me. It has a 2 amp, 10 amp and it has a 55 amp start feature. This way you can slow charge, regular charge and even jump it in your garage without another car/battery nearby. If memory serves it was about $60 CDN ($40 US).

These chargers last a lifetime(?)...spend a couple extra bucks!

Rich, this show is put on by the club I belong to, The Bel Air Corvette Club. I have been to it many times and this will be my first year as a participant. It is a great show and open to all. It runs like 10-3 or 4 I think. Bring your car or just yourself. It is a great show. www.bacc-md.org/ Guy
I will try to make that show.

I'm charging the battery now, I already had a .6amp charger
for 12v batteries. I doubt I would keep this battery, though.
I had to pull the CCM2 fuse last night, something in the glove
box area would not stop clicking.

AC delco's are hard to find at except for the dealer...

Even interstate is tough to get.
Hmmm... if something won't stop clicking, even with the engine off, then sounds like you've found your battery drain...


It wasn't clicking until I started opening the door, etc with the
keyless entry. There was no clicking the day before, when I
determined it wouldn't start with my spare keys (no fob).

I'm hoping a new AC delco will have it on the street Friday
morning. (or Thursday if it wasn't going to rain/snow).
I bought the Motomaster (Canadian Tire) automatic charger/maintainer for about $50 canadian and it will keep battery up. Next winter I will leave it on for 4- months...RJS

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