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Post a photo of your C5

Not this spring photo, but it was not seen here yet.
Z06nut said:

Commemorative 06s levitate? Was that an option or standard equipment? :L
ytwokz28 said:
One good 2000 DBGM deserves another. :w

Singature courtesy of 6shooter :BOW

RoadReady said:
Commemorative 06s levitate? Was that an option or standard equipment? :L

Some people think that putting nitrogen in the tires is beneficial. But look how much lighter your car would be if you use helium instead. ;)
I too need to update my pics, if the sun comes out today I'll need to add to the album.
Remo said:
Karl - you and I aren't very far apart in age and like you I started drag racing in the 60's. However, unlike you, I think bracket racing has real value. It teaches you to concentrate on the only thing that matters - "your run". In the end you become a better drag racer. Then when you return to good old fashioned Friday night "run what you brung" racing you'll generally destroy the guy in the next lane. You know - the guy that does the big "crowd pleasing" burn out and the "over done" stagging routines. Because "bracket racing taught you that what the guy in the other lane is doing "just doesn't matter".


I suppose.....but it just galled me to no end, when I had put all the time and effort into my ride in order to squeeze a little bit more out of it, only to have some clown in a '62 2speed automatic 6 banger Ford Falcon take home the trophy simply because he was "more consistent" than I was.

I bet I could take home a "trophy" in my '04 Vette, if I'd only take off in "second gear" every time. Everything perfectly predictable...no wheelspin to worry about, shift points all taken care of by the on-board computer.....

Yeah man, now THAT'S drag racing.

Sorry for the 'rant'. I'll never be back to the track as a competitor, so I really shouldn't talk down to those who have learned to like it that way. Times have changed and i'm just 'stuck in the past'.

I worked on this baby all weekend. And I'm STILL not finished, there is still a spec of lint in the trunk, and I want to go over the wheels another time, and another coat of wax might look good, and... and... :W
MsSchroder said:
I worked on this baby all weekend. And I'm STILL not finished, there is still a spec of lint in the trunk, and I want to go over the wheels another time, and another coat of wax might look good, and... and... :W

So you're going to start hanging out with the "show & shine" crowd?;)

MsSchroder said:
I worked on this baby all weekend. And I'm STILL not finished, there is still a spec of lint in the trunk, and I want to go over the wheels another time, and another coat of wax might look good, and... and... :W

Lookin' good, girl! And I get to see it firsthand soon! I'm going to have to give mine another good cleaning so those yellow Vettes don't make my red one look bad! :L I can see a great photo in my mind's eye at the Tapoco... my red Vette and bookend yellow Z06's on either side. :upthumbs

XLR8 said:
I'm going to have to give mine another good cleaning so those yellow Vettes don't make my red one look bad! :L I can see a great photo in my mind's eye at the Tapoco... my red Vette and bookend yellow Z06's on either side. :upthumbs


Ahhh, you mean like a "Rose", between two "Lemons", err I mean as in Yellow, like in this pic? heh, heh, heh

Since we are mixing dissimilar objects in our simile, How about this one?

“A red herring between two sunflowers.” ;) :L

Originally Posted by MagikDraggin
Ahhh, you mean like a "Rose", between two "Lemons", err I mean as in Yellow, like in this pic? heh, heh, heh

Exactly! ;)

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