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Remo said:
I could be wrong - but is does look like 04 Torch Red called Patrick a whimp.;shrug


haha real funny...NOT...yea you are wrong...trouble maker...I was calling the guy that had to get off the computer a whimp because his wife was calling him in this thread and he had to go because of her:eyerole ...don't be a smartazz...Patrick and I are on good terms and thats the way I want it...so don't make me come over there and you know what...:D :L

this is the guy I was calling a whimp>>>>>."They really can't, but they never give up trying to train you. What's that dear? Sorry Erik she calling me, talk to you latter."


Oh dear it was YOU!

You'll have to pardon 04Torch. Like I said in another thread, he's off his meds right now.

Patrick said:
You'll have to pardon 04Torch. Like I said in another thread, he's off his meds right now.


dayem...no more free pot for you Patrick:D
[QUOTE='04 Torch Red]:cry I got painted with a brush?...and I didn't even know it...;LOL ...yea Patrick and I think you are a WHIMP.....:D[/QUOTE]

04 Tourch Red, please read the above quote into the record. Now if it would please the court, I'd like to ask the witness to explain who he was calling a whimp.:L

QUOTE=Remo]04 Tourch Red, please read the above quote into the record. Now if it would please the court, I'd like to ask the witness to explain who he was calling a whimp.


What court? this is a monkey court....I was being sarcastic to Patrick when I called him a whimp and you know that:) ...anyway sir, if you would like to enter into evidence the following statements to show the order of things that lead to my calling Patrick a "whimp" ......
Originally Posted by Remo

"Kenny - I would have bet money that either you or Patrick would have responed with something like this.:D Well, at least I'm man enough to admit it. Good to hear from you."


"How did I get dragged into this? All I do is try to help poor Remo out of his season Weather/No-Vette frustration, and I get painted with the same broad brush as Kenny."

As you can plainly see, I was responding to Patrick in a sarcastic way and also enter the following into record...

"And btw Patrick , If you would have looked closer...I was actually calling this guy (Remo)a whimp...(for having to go at the mere calling from his wife)....not you"...>>>

Originally Posted by Remo
What's that dear? Sorry Erik she calling me, talk to you latter.


"Somebody is a WHIMP............."

As you can plainly see...I was actually calling YOU a whimp for having to leave the thread because your wife was calling you!:L

I rest my case .....now stop trying to cause trouble Mr. instigator in a monkey court.......:L
Remo said:
04 Tourch Red, please read the above quote into the record. Now if it would please the court, I'd like to ask the witness to explain who he was calling a whimp.:L


I'm with you on how you interpret 04Torch's meaning, Remo. It was all in the way he forgot his punctuation.

Had he said:
...yea, Patrick and I think you are a WHIMP.....:D

it would have been obvious that 04Torch was saying he believes that he and I agree that you are the wimp. But because he left out that comma after "yea," it makes it appear to be all one unbroken/unpaused thought, making it appear that the comma was intended to go after my name:

...yea Patrick, and I think you are a WHIMP (too).....:D

and that's a whole different meaning to the sentence, all with a change in punctuation (and adding "too" for emphasis.) It's okay Remo, we can both be called wimps by the grammar challenged. We know the truth: someone's off his meds. :L

Patrick said:
I'm with you on how you interpret 04Torch's meaning, Remo. It was all in the way he forgot his punctuation.

Had he said:

it would have been obvious that 04Torch was saying he believes that he and I agree that you are the wimp. But because he left out that comma after "yea," it makes it appear to be all one unbroken/unpaused thought, making it appear that the comma was intended to go after my name:

and that's a whole different meaning to the sentence, all with a change in punctuation (and adding "too" for emphasis.) It's okay Remo, we can both be called wimps by the grammar challenged. We know the truth: someone's off his meds. :L

Wow Patrick, even after my explanation telling you of my calling you a whimp in a sarcastic manner you side with Remo..very interesting and CURIOUS...just how close ARE you with him?:D

And btw...this AIN'T english class! and whats with the referral to medication so much?...do you like medication or what?:L

also you are correct about the comma after "yea"...thats actually what I meant...gives it new and correct meaning...so there...now we know that I didn't mean you were a whimp but in fact meant Remo was a whimp...BINGO!:L
I'm just yankin' yer chain, Kenny, just yankin' yer chain. :D

Patrick said:
I'm just yankin' yer chain, Kenny, just yankin' yer chain. :D


I bet you'd like that...go "yank" Remos chain.....;LOL .........:D
[QUOTE='04 Torch Red]:cry I got painted with a brush?...and I didn't even know it...;LOL ...yea Patrick and I think you are a WHIMP.....:D[/QUOTE]


Thanks for clearing that up. I feel a lot better now that I know you "really" did mean to call me a whimp. Incidentally, Eric was correct right from the beginning. Very few women can be trianed. After you've been successfully married for a number of years you come to that realization. And now I throw myself on the mercy of the court.

Good to hear from you,
Remo said:

Thanks for clearing that up. I feel a lot better now that I know you "really" did mean to call me a whimp. Incidentally, Eric was correct right from the beginning. Very few women can be trianed. After you've been successfully married for a number of years you come to that realization. And now I throw myself on the mercy of the court.

Good to hear from you,
Always a pleasure to hear your remarks...at least they are kind ...even sorta pleasant to read ...as opposed to certain other sarcastic people...
Considering all presented "facts"...
The court now finds you innocent of whatever charges there were...even the "whimp" charge...I take that word back...my bad...Court adjourned(sp?)...:)

Additional info>>>>>>>>>>>she must be a great woman...she really does have you "trained"...and thats ok....mine also has me under her thumb....:L

Boy is Patrick(the english professor) gonna be pizzed seeing us making up.....and yes... I am sometimes challenged by grammer and typing errors;LOL
[QUOTE='04 Torch Red]at least they are kind ...even sorta pleasant to read ...as opposed to certain other sarcastic people...[/QUOTE]

Hmm... sarcastic people. [RHETORICAL QUESTION] I wonder who Kenny is speaking of with that "sarcastic" label.[/RHETORICAL QUESTION]

[QUOTE='04 Torch Red]Boy is Patrick(the english professor) gonna be pizzed seeing us making up.....and yes... I am sometimes challenged by grammer and typing errors;LOL[/QUOTE]

Who me? To quote David Letterman, I'm just trying to leave a smudge on the collective unconscious.

Patrick said:
.... I wonder who Kenny is speaking of with that "sarcastic" label....

Oh, no, here we go again ;LOL. Bring the jury back ;).

Patrick said:
Hmm... sarcastic people. [RHETORICAL QUESTION] I wonder who Kenny is speaking of with that "sarcastic" label.[/RHETORICAL QUESTION]


paranoia selfdestroia.....................:D

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