thanks for responding Mike
no, when I removed the t-stat housing I could not see any coolant so the level must have been low enough to have taken it all out of the manifold.
I checked the fan as you suggested. As i rev the engine I can feel it blow air harder.
at idle, there is not what what i would refer to as a STIFF brezze, just barely some air movement. As i rev it it will increase but it's not as much as i would have expected but never having done it before I have nothing to compare against.
No, I don't have an IR gun. I treid to get one at Sears the other day but they don't carry them or didn't have any in stock.
I restarted the motor and actually took the cap of the expansion tank off completely than waited for the motor to warm up. once it reached 180* according to the gauge I started watching the coolant level. I didn't see any change in the level at all that I noticed either going up or down. The temp reached just barely shy of the 220* mark on the gauge and still no change that i saw in the coolant level - MAYBE just a tab bit down, MAYBE, but I can't say for sure 100%.
No coolant surged out of the tank or the overflow tube. I than reinstalled the expansion tank cap and just let it sit and idle for a while more. Temp stayed right at the point just barely shy of the 220* mark and wouldn't move any further which at least is better than fefore when it almost pegged out the 240* mark at traffic lights.
so, from what I can piece together, either the fan clutch could be shot or the temp sender is inaccurate and the mechanic lied about checking it with an IR gun when he said he did. Would these conclusions sound correct?