From the "Math is hard" dept.........
or at least sometimes confusing. The technical data listed for the flat top pistons I'm considering is missing two important items necessary to know when calculating compression ratio; deck hieght and head gasket compressed thickness. After doing some figures it is obvious that they were not using a zero deck height (piston top absolutely level with the block deck) figure for their calculations. This is not unusual as new production engines and most rebuilds are assembled with the piston "down in the hole" a certain amount for safety's sake. To gain zero deck height and the increase in static compression ratio that comes with it, a block must be assembled with the pistons run up to top dead center (tdc) and a measurement taken to determine how far the piston top is below the deck. Then a cut is made on the deck to remove that amount of material to bring everything up to zero. A zero deck height gets the piston top dangerously close to the surface of the head at tdc. In this case the only clearance between the two is the compressed thickness of the head gasket. Ok for racing engines where the crank bores and block decks have been carefully machined to ensure that they are exactly parallel and that no piston is actually sticking up higher than the deck at tdc. For a street engine this would be a recipe for desaster.
So in the case of the piston under consideration (compression ratio specs listed again below) I would have to say that these ratios were figured with a rather thick composit head gasket and a fair amount of deck height. Probably no decking of a stock spec block.
Sterling Hyereutectic flat top pistons
* Compression ratio: 8.24:1 (76cc heads), 8.55:1 (72cc heads), 8.88:1 (68cc heads), 9.24:1 (64cc heads), 9.96:1 (58cc heads)
In the previously discussed example of a 350/300 horse engine I plugged in the numbers for a rather thick (.058) composite head gasket and zero deck height and come up with around 11.0:1. This tells me that the deck height must be substancial on a production engine to get it down to 10.25. I don't know how Sterling come up with the 9.24 ratio but it looks like Chevy is closer to right after all. I suppose that it's possible that these blocks were machined at GM with extra thickness left on the decks. I wish I would have measured the old engine before dissassembly just for a reference point. Could it also be possible that these pistons are machined short? I hope not.
Anyhow, using the formula from the Tools tab at the top of this page I figure that with the .026 thickness head gasket and a zero deck height I will have a 9.59:1 compression ratio. I calculated in the real volumn of the heads also. This afternoon I measured the chamber volumn and came up with 78ccs. A tad more than the 76cc specs but production tolerences come into play. Now when the valves are ground they will receed into the chambers a little and there is a slight amount of unwanted material protruding into the combustion chambers that has a ragged edge on it. This is an excellent place to form a hot spot and cause detonation. So this will have to be smoothed over. This small amount of massaging will increase the chamber volumn even more. Won't know how much until I measure it. I'll try to keep all of the chambers real close to the same. I'm more concerned here with eliminating detonation than reshaping and polishing the chambers. After all, these heads are nothing to brag about from a performance standpoint.
I also will not know what the deck height is until I assemble a rod to a piston and put it on the crank for a measurement. I'm hoping that my final ratio falls in between 8.75 and 9.25. I would like to see an actual "real" compression ratio of 9.0:1. If it ends up being really low I will know before I start on the heads. I'm going to assemble the short block before starting on the heads. I can always mill the heads slighty to bring the compression ratio up to a respectable level. Of course this will cost more and the intake manifold also has to be milled to fit the new head angles.
I could always switch to a pair of 64cc heads but that would be marginable for pump gas. I really want to keep it in the unleaded regular or middle grade level. I could always go back to dished pistons. If I did change heads I have a pair of 64cc ones on a complete 1970 350/300 stored in an engine crate at my dads. They would have to be converted to hardened seats and I really think that the flat top pistons are more important for a detonation free engine that gaining a little compression.
The formula for calculating compression ratio in the Tools area above requires a couple other calculations also. These formulas are also in the Tools area. You need to calculate the head's chamber volumn and the volumn of the cylinder as well as the volumn of the compressed head gasket. Remember, a comressed head gasket is just a really short cylinder and uses the same formula. Also when you measure the deck height you calculate it's volumn using the volumn of a cylinder formula and, since this amount is above the piston, it now becomes part of the combustion chamber. Add this volumn to the combustion chamber volumn and subtract it from the cylinder volumn.
Well that's about it for now. So far my total investment in this project is still $.00 (except for the sore brain) but that is about to change. I need to get some parts ordered.