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I have ZR1 fever pretty bad, but I can't break the bank when it comes to price so I have been considering a higher mileage (60-75k) ZR1 maybe 90-92 model. For close to the same money, I Could buy a 96 LT4 car with 20-30k. Will the higher mileage ZR1 be the better bet? I will put 5-7k a year on whichever I decide to buy.

Just looking for opinions from LT5 owners right now, am buying a house so I can't do anything for a couple months.

Thnx :)
For the most part you are better off with a higher mileage ZR-1 then that of one with very low mileage. It doesn't do any car any good sitting around. Cars need to be driven. The key here is with higher mileage cars is did the owner maintain it. Tune ups, change the oil, not beat on it everyday, etc... A ZR-1 that is properly maintain will last well over 100,000 miles. I know of one ZR-1 that had well over 100,000 miles and was driven hard and put away wet. This owner would drag race it all day long and had very few problems with it over the years. It finally die in an accident.

So when looking at the car, does it look like it was well care for? Ask the owner what he did to maintain it. Look thru the maintenance records. If the owner is anal then chances are you'll get a good car.
In your situation I guess you have to see whats available when your looking to buy. The ZR-1 will always be the step-up but of course you want something nice & there are allot of nice early model ZR-1's out there CHEAP. Many of these early ZR-1's have amazingly low miles for the price but it is a waiting game as well as a search on your part. I have probably 40 bookmarked dealors sellers etc of ZR-1's that I checked at least 3 times a week.

In reality, it never looks right, feels right, to buy a toy when your splurging on a house(especially if your married-if your not then it's no question, you buy the low mile '95 ZR-1 with A.L. Dunn heads & you live contently in a box under the 4th street bridge).

It's very hard to wait, but I would get the house thing over with first and not talk car to anyone but yourself. At the same time start a massive search for that low mile excellent shape more than fare priced '90-92 ZR-1. By the time you find it, it should be the time to buy it, and you'll feel good about it. You will also know allot about them. I spend two years to find mine with the money in hand & believe me that is nearly impossible to do. By the end of the first year I knew what I wanted according to the research and after all that, with all the contacts I got a call from Art Wong telling me where it was-he found it before me. I called, I talked , I sent a knowledgable ZR-1 owner to see it, & I bought it without personally seeing it. It was perfect & worth it. You can find it too. :D :m :m

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