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Questions on the short throw shifter


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2007
2013 GS 4LT M6 Nite Race Blue, 68 Coupe , 68 Vert
Hey guys,
The Honker and Double D installs are complete. My new install is the short throw shifter. I've been reading the instructions and don't follow the "SET" the stops to.010" gaps. Can someone explain.
I have installed several of the Callaway shifters. The stop adjustments keep you from going to far into the gear. I adjust the stop with pressure applying keeping it in gear and then back it off a little. You can tell when the stop hit the lever because the stop adjustment will be hard to turn. It is very easy to adjust. Hope that helps. If you need any other help, pm your phone number and I will call to help.:beer
Hey guys,
The Honker and Double D installs are complete. My new install is the short throw shifter. I've been reading the instructions and don't follow the "SET" the stops to.010" gaps. Can someone explain.

Hi Jeff,

Once you have the shifter in the car, looking down at the assembly, the adjustment procedure becomes very clear. The stops are adjusted using an allen wrench. There is a large (19mm) jam nut that is used to lock the adjustable "stop" in place. The clearance you are measuring is between the stop and the shifter itself. Use a .010 feeler guage. There is probably a bunch of grease down there, if you don't see the stops at first glance... You will set the stop for 3rd and 4th, and then just check 1 and 5, and 2 and 6 just to verify the .010 clearance in all gears once the jam nuts are tight.
I usually make it a "fat" .010 just to be sure that there is no contact under heavy loads/vibrations.

Let us know how it turns out.

Thanks much guys . I'll start tomorrow and chime in when complete. While I have you , you folks have great Avitars. Is this a prodject to add ?
While I have you , you folks have great Avitars. Is this a prodject to add ?

Jeff, adding a custom avatar is really easy:cool

1. Click on User CP near the top left of your screen.
2. Under the Control Panel header, click "Edit Avatar"
3. Scroll to the bottom of that next page where you will see two options. Click opt. 2. Upload Image From Your Computer.
4. Click the gray "BROWSE" box beside that and select the file you wish to add.

- You will have to have the image already resized - make it 135 pixels x 135 pixels or 19.5kb, whichever is less (usually 19.5kb is less).

If you have any troubles, drop me an email and I will help any way I can :beer
Well, Let's see if it worked. Thanks for the quick response. I hope the shifter goes in this easy. Jeff
Ok men, the shift is in and bolted down. Couple of questions just to be sure. Do I take the cover off that has the four allen bolts. Yes, there is alot of grease down there. I'll have to take a Q tip to clear the stuff aside ,then put it back. Pete said when I look down at it I'll see what he means. Alot of grease there. Jeff
Hey guys,
I want to thank you all for your help. Shifter install is complete. Took it for a spin,quite different from the stock unit. Very tight and chatter free.

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