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Removing wheel center cap on 1989 Corvette

  • Thread starter Thread starter Duane Giffin
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Duane Giffin

Does anyone know how to remove the wheel cap lock on a 1989 Corvette. I have 1990 wheels ready to put on but do not know how to remove the center cap. The car didn't come with the factory wheel cap lock key. I took the McGard number off the door jam and had a key sent to me from McGard but it does not fit. Locks are from some other Corvette. Any suggestions on how to remove the wheel center cap without damaging it?:confused
Duane, I moved your thread over to the C4 Discussion area. Hopefully, someone can tell you what you need to know!!

-Mac the Admin
I presume you mean you're trying to remove the large 5" or so diameter cap that covers the lug nuts ?
You may actually have a key that is correct. Sometimes the screw is corroded in place and very hard to remove. Before getting radical try spraying it with penetrating oil such as PB Blaster. It may take several applications over a week to have any affect on the screw. Then try holding the key in vise grips or something that will let you put a lot of pushing and turning force on it.
I all else fails you may have to try drilling the head of the screw and then use a screw extractor tool.
Good Luck
Does anyone know how to remove the wheel cap lock on a 1989 Corvette. I have 1990 wheels ready to put on but do not know how to remove the center cap. The car didn't come with the factory wheel cap lock key. I took the McGard number off the door jam and had a key sent to me from McGard but it does not fit. Locks are from some other Corvette. Any suggestions on how to remove the wheel center cap without damaging it?:confused
I have the same problem. I removed the original wheels from my 89 and installed chrome a mold and when I stored the wheels I put the center caps on them and now I have no idea what i did with the key.
Does anyone know how to remove the wheel cap lock on a 1989 Corvette. I have 1990 wheels ready to put on but do not know how to remove the center cap. The car didn't come with the factory wheel cap lock key. I took the McGard number off the door jam and had a key sent to me from McGard but it does not fit. Locks are from some other Corvette. Any suggestions on how to remove the wheel center cap without damaging it?:confused
Please would you like to sell your caps? My clear coat is comming off. You can email me at jtrimble@comcast.net

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