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Replacement Radio for 71?

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I want to replace the original AM/FM & speakers in my '71. It still works but sounds like a crappy 33 yr old radio. Looking at the KHE-100 60w AM/FM/cass ($190)& the Kenwood 4x6 premium replacement dash speakers ($95) from Zip.

Anyone have any experience with these?
I have a '71 that I installed a pair of "Boston 746" 4x6 in the dash. They sound great!!
I also hooked up a Sony Xplod CD/MP3 player in the compartment behind the passengers seat. I wanted to leave the stock radio in. I installed a KNW-801 player from Custom Autosound in a friends '71. I did not like that deck. It's Cheap. The button on it only work half the time. I had to send the first one back and the new one was not much better. The Sony I installed was eaiser to put in.
I have tried 2 Custom autosound systems in my 70. Neither worked well and both sounded like crap. Fortunately they didn't last long either. Just Installed a Pioneer 3500 system with compatible speakers. Sounds great but I will let you know in a year what I think of the quality and durability. Remember you get what you pay for!!
i bought the bezel for modern stereos from Vette Specialties. im running a sony head unit and infinity 462.5 i 4x6's in the dash. i've had them for 6 months now and im still satisfied with them.


Thanks for the responses guys. I ordered the Ken Harrison KHE-100 60w corvette replacement radio & Kenwood 4x6 speakers. It's made by SANYO to replace the factory radio with no modifications to the dash. I did talk to one fella that had one in his 71 & he was very pleased with it.


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