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[Road Test] Oh, It Hurts So Good! - 540-hp, Supercharged 2002 Convertible


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
<a href="/tech/roadtest/blownc5.html"><img src="/images/design/front/blownc5.jpg" width="225" height="147" border="1" alt="2002 Blown C5 Corvette Convertible!" align="right" /></a>Magna Charger is not new to Corvettes and other high performance automobiles and this latest article by Hib Halverson proves that.

Take a ride with Hib in a Magna Charger supercharged 2002 Corvette Convertible....if you can keep up!

Oh, It Hurts So Good! - 540-hp, Supercharged 2002 Convertible
Sweet ride :beer
Hib,great job as usual.I read all your corvette road tests and was wondering when you could do one on your 71 big block.Looking forward to your road test on the new Z06,as the other 3 road tests on the 01-04 Z06 were great...THANKS JERRY
Thanks Hib. Awesome car.:upthumbs

Now Thunder wants a SC.;)
jr9170 said:
Hib,great job as usual.I read all your corvette road tests and was wondering when you could do one on your 71 big block.Looking forward to your road test on the new Z06,as the other 3 road tests on the 01-04 Z06 were great...THANKS JERRY

As some may know, my 71 BB is the former Vette Magazine project car "The Big Block from Hell". While it would be possible to road test it, I'm not sure a road test of my personal vehicle is the best thing for the CAC right now. That said, some plans are under consideration to produce some new "BBfH" articles for the CAC with the project under a different name, but nothing's been finalized.

As for an 06 Z06 road test...that's pending but right now, too. Currently, my access to GM product is decidely "b-list". it doesn't look like Chevy Communcations is going to allow the CAC access to new Z06es anytime soon. While there's always the opportunity to road test the car after it goes on sale, by then, most of other media will have already published or posted articles on the car, so doing that sort of road test isn't very timely....though I have not ruled that out. If I were to do a road test like that, it wouldn't happen for about a year.

Scuttlebutt is that the media previews where GM will allow writers to drive the car will be held later this spring and that b-listers are probably not going to be invited, however, the final call on that issue hasn't been made and, behind the scenes, I've been pleading the CAC's case with GM Communications.

If we get the call to the Z06 preview, Rob will probably make an announcement.
Hib Halverson said:
As for an 06 Z06 road test...that's pending but right now, too. Currently, my access to GM product is decidely "b-list". it doesn't look like Chevy Communcations is going to allow the CAC access to new Z06es anytime soon. While there's always the opportunity to road test the car after it goes on sale, by then, most of other media will have already published or posted articles on the car, so doing that sort of road test isn't very timely....though I have not ruled that out. If I were to do a road test like that, it wouldn't happen for about a year.

Scuttlebutt is that the media previews where GM will allow writers to drive the car will be held later this spring and that b-listers are probably not going to be invited, however, the final call on that issue hasn't been made and, behind the scenes, I've been pleading the CAC's case with GM Communications.

If we get the call to the Z06 preview, Rob will probably make an announcement.

This is unfortunate. Over the last few years, I've worked really hard to try and build the Corvette Action Center into the best it can be, and I'll continue to do so.

I really feel that we are a good, positive, legitimate media source, and I hope that someday, GM will eventually change their opinion about online media and gradually overlook the ignorance and stupidity of a couple other sites who claim to be "legitimate media sources."
Rob said:
This is unfortunate. Over the last few years, I've worked really hard to try and build the Corvette Action Center into the best it can be, and I'll continue to do so.

I really feel that we are a good, positive, legitimate media source, and I hope that someday, GM will eventually change their opinion about online media and gradually overlook the ignorance and stupidity of a couple other sites who claim to be "legitimate media sources."

may be we can start a Writing campaign ;)
Nice write-up as always Hib! These cars sure are fun with fi. My Z's at Dynotech right now getting a T-trim blower upgrade and a set of AFR duel spring heads. Can't wait to get it back.
Come on Spring!!!!!!!:lou
Nice ride !


When do I get to go for a ride in the yellow beast ? Looks like fun !

ps... after the rain stops ! lol !
I'm not quite sure where Sun City is...I thought it was in AZ...but anytime you want to come to West Covina, we can go for a ride.
Hib Halverson said:
I'm not quite sure where Sun City is...I thought it was in AZ...but anytime you want to come to West Covina, we can go for a ride.
I am over by Temecula... about an hour + from you... still not dry enough for the ZR-1 to travel... Thanks for the invitation...
ZRXMAX said:
I am over by Temecula... about an hour + from you... still not dry enough for the ZR-1 to travel... Thanks for the invitation...

Pick me up in Moreno Valley on the way through - we'll caravan!! I go through Sun City every workday on the way to my job in Chula Vista (San Diego).

BTW, Hib - We have emailed before - what are the graduated steps to get an A4 to hold up to 350 - 400 RWHP? Is a Transgo kit of any use? I note the subject of your Magnacharger article has an auto - what did they do?



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