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Question: Running a Car with Water - Is this a scam?


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2004
Maryland / D.C.
'69 Convertible Vette; '72 Z28 Camaro Rally Sport
Scam. They're coming out of the woodwork as gas prices continue to rise; next month there'll be some guy claiming his car runs on bat guano. :boogie
next month there'll be some guy claiming his car runs on bat guano. :boogie

Have you heard of "Blue Diesel" not quite guano, but a major part of it. Urea if I'm not mistaken is part of urine? Well, it still needs diesel fuel but it supposedly makes it run "cleaner" Smell??? Get me my aluminium pellets!!!
If I am not mistaken this is a system where you still run on gasoline but you apply an electrical charge to a container with water and plates similar to a battery. This produces Hydrogen and oxygen. A vacuum hose pulls the gasses into the intake and supplements the gasoline. This is supposed to improve millage considerably. ;shrug
If I can find the information on how to build this myself I plan on trying it .

You cannot get more energy out of a system than you put in. The amount of fuel needed to convert water to hydrogen and oxygen will be more than you can get back out of it. Some of the energy will be converted to heat. There is no free lunch.
If I am not mistaken this is a system where you still run on gasoline but you apply an electrical charge to a container with water and plates similar to a battery. This produces Hydrogen and oxygen. A vacuum hose pulls the gasses into the intake and supplements the gasoline. This is supposed to improve millage considerably. ;shrug
If I can find the information on how to build this myself I plan on trying it .


I have the pdf file of one of the more accepted internet attempts if you would like to take a look at it. But just like DRTH VTR said it takes energy to make energy so you need one heck of a battery source to generate enough H2 to run a car. There is an alternative of using an aluminum/gallium compound that may hold promise, but there are still logistics to be solved and currently it still works out to about the same cost as gasoline.
Have you heard of "Blue Diesel" not quite guano, but a major part of it. Urea if I'm not mistaken is part of urine? Well, it still needs diesel fuel but it supposedly makes it run "cleaner" Smell??? Get me my aluminium pellets!!!

As it turns out, my company is working with as automotive manufacturer to develop a Urea system for diesel motors, and I'm the lead tech on the project. The brand name of Urea we are using is AddBlue. Urea is nothing more than 33% ammonia and 66% water.

The basics of the system are that Urea is injected in to the exhaust stream in a pre-cat. The ammonia reacts with the NOx molecules, and turns them in to CO2 and N2. The CO2 is then scrubbed from the system by the standard cat.

As for running your car on water. I've done a fair amount of research, and I think there is some truth to it. I know a guy who claims to have a hydrogen generator on his vehicle. He claims it increases his gas mileage by ~20%... I'm thinking I might try it on my beater, when I get one towards the end of the summer. Wish me luck. :D


How is the hydrogen generated? Is there some method besides electrolysis?


How is the hydrogen generated? Is there some method besides electrolysis?


All the methods I've seen are electrolysis based. I'm firmilliar with the law of conservation of energy, and not getting more energy out of a system than you put into it. Someone was spouting off about zero point energy (vacuum energy) as the real source of the extra energy some systems put out. :confused Fortunately for me, I dont have to understand the physics behind how it works to put one together and try it out. If I can find a pre-OBDII car ('95 or older) I shouldnt even have to reprogram the ECU. The O2 sensors in the exhaust should adjust the fuel curve automatically.

I've also seen a story on the news about a car that runs on used cooking grease.
There's a couple people around here has Vehicles converted to Cooking Oil!!!:upthumbs

And All Jokes aside, they smell like French Fries cooking running down the road!!;LOLNo j/k!!:beer
I've also seen a story on the news about a car that runs on used cooking grease.

It turns out that there are a lot of great technologies out there that were never developed becuase Uncle Sam and the Big Three were happy with the way things are/were. Since the Big Three had the money and power, they would buy up competing technologies and shelve them, or lobby Uncle Sam to regulate the technologies out of existance. Now they are hurting, and all the technologies that were quashed in the past are making a comeback.

On the H2 it isn't free power but it may help the gasoline burn cleaner. For a lot of yrs propane has been added to diesels for added power and economy. I know it works because I have installed quite a number of them. What the propane does is help burn the heavy ends of the diesel. 20 % increase in power comes real easy. I have noticed now that these systems are offered again as performance add ons. If anyone wants information on this PM me and I will explain how it works and is done. Cost is minimal.
Where this got it's start was on farm tractors.

When Mr. Diesel (I forget his first name) first reveiled his diesel engine at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair he used cooking oil! I've heard of guys using water injectors in their diesel engines to get better milage. Being in the trucking business and my daily driver (Kenworth) averaging about 6 miles a gallon, I'm game for anything if it works!
Here is a link to a company that sells the kits. I think it can be done much cheaper than the price they want but look at there installation instructions. I found another site with some jocky setting one up on pressure feed rather than negative pressure feed. Not a good plan. After reading their instructions it appears to me like they have a good safe system.

Since the Big Three had the money and power, they would buy up competing technologies and shelve them, or lobby Uncle Sam to regulate the technologies out of existance. Jason

That's not true at all - it's an "internet legend" that harks back to the claims 60 years ago that "big oil" killed the "Fish Carburetor". Most of what's "coming back" are the same "miracle fuel economy" scams that proliferated during the early 70's with the first oil shock.

The "real" new technologies are few and far between, and most aren't new - there just hasn't been an economic incentive to invest the billions of dollars required to develop them to the stage where they can be successfully commercialized, along with the distribution infrastructure required to support them.

That's not true at all - it's an "internet legend" that harks back to the claims 60 years ago that "big oil" killed the "Fish Carburetor".

Did you say you wanted to buy a Fish Carburetor ?:chuckle
It is an interesting piece.I have even run it.


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