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Saginaw's Old Town Motor Fest to include rescued 1961 Corvette that sat in Saginaw


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Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
Saginaw's Old Town Motor Fest to include rescued 1961 Corvette that sat in Saginaw garage for 40 years

by Pati LaLonde | For The Saginaw News
Friday July 17, 2009, 8:12 AM

For 40 years, a 1961 robin's egg blue Corvette sat in an unlocked garage at North 22nd and Wadsworth on Saginaw's East Side, touched only by time.

Until November, that is, when Brian Roeser, 29, of Clio decided it was time the forgotten classic saw the light of day. The original owner's son, Roeser has quite a tale to tell.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime story," says Steve Snow, owner of Dynamic Corvette in Saginaw. "I've heard hundreds of stories about Corvettes. To me, this is at the top of the list."

Full Story: Saginaw's Old Town Motor Fest to include rescued 1961 Corvette that sat in Saginaw garage for 40 years - Saginaw News - The Latest News, Blogs, Photos & Videos – MLive.com
Cool story. Always glad to hear of another Corvette rescued. :thumb
This is a great story. The question is: Showroom delivered or as driven restored. Either way you would have a great car with great history.
I guess showroom delivered would bring more money on resale if that was the object. Hope we get to see the finished project either way. :w
"The Hunt"

Funny this pops up now ... always heartwarming to recover a bit of your family past.

Odd especially for me because just last week I was showing my kid my old neighborhood in Trenton ..... not a pretty sight these days at all. Went by my buddys old garage and I started to tell him of high school days and memories of that garage .... one of the guys went on to play guitar with and died with Jim Croce.

After 1968 everyone moved out of town .... went to college and all of that never to be seen again. But then it hit me!


Back some thirty years ago .... I stopped by that garage and looked throught the window and despite all of the dirt and grime and junk ... it was still there!

Rusty's old 1962 ....... Triumph TR3 A/B "IRS" also in Robins Egg Blue!

I said to my kid a few nights ago .... we are going to knock on the door and see if that car is still there?

Lord we had soooooooooo much fun in that car and that TR was the genesis of my love of sports machines. It was the first car I was in a rally in, Russ pounded it into me to wear seat belts .... pro racers and rally drivers wore em' ...... and he had like five point harness types supposedly from some fighter plane.

Now I gotta' go pound on that door ... you never know! ;)

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