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Jan... here's a link to ZR-1 Spyder photos in one of my albums in the Corvette Action Center gallery: Click Me Unfortunately, I didn't get to see it in person. The photos were offered by CAC member nstg8r for uploading from his Flickr account.

You may find this thread interesting, more photos and links to photos of a convertible ZR-1 prototype there: Click Me

:wJane Ann
By the way... the orange Corvette in the background is PPG Pace Car. You can read the graphic on the door in this photo.

Enjoy. And welcome to the Corvette Action Center and the Callaway Forum!


Someday, there will be a brand called Critt99, and people will stop buying Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars in favor of your creations! :upthumbs
a bit off topic but a mercedes in world war2 and mad max
stye is stil cool.
I thought it would be easy to weather the car but that turned out harder than i thought tel me wat you think.
Looks good. The interior is a bit too clean though.
Several things:
1. I have never tried to weather anything...might try it sometime.
2. The C7R body was started in 2000 with a clay, then molded with rubber and poured in plaster/dental stone. After several years of fine tuning a new rubber mold was made and now it is poured in resin.
well weathering is good but i only did that beacause i didn't have all the parts to restore the mercedes.
you could take real fine sand paper about 1000 grains a cm2 for the tires to make em look like they already had a few miles on them.
Mucho progress on the C16 Speedy

I got a wild hair up my a#$ before I went on vacation to Old Lyme and decided to get the body mods for the Speedster done in one day. Took the clay mock-ups and impressed them, poured in resin and trimmed to fit. These are the initial pieces in white and will be refined and re-molded. I think its gunna turn out nice. I need a real job!
I wish I had remotely the talent you do with these diecasts. You're putting a hurt on AutoArt ....and you've already passed the Action Models Vettes. I would love models of the European FIA GT-1 cars and the GT-3 ZO6R's. The Euro entered FIA cars seem to have the more creative paintjobs. I love the new silver/white Bvlgari cars.
I have all versions of the AutoArt C5R and C6R and all the 1/18 L88 1969 Carousel cars, and many of the Exoto GrandSports. But not the pride or patience you must have with your collection.
BTW I'm anxiously waiting for the 1968 Lemans L88 Coupe now.
Very cool Jan! What's the reason for cutting the hood? Are you adding something different?

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