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Scale Callaway's

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Sorry to hear of your loss.


Thanx for ask'n....I dusted off the work bench today...havent touched anything for 6 weeks. I have been out of work sick for 2 weeks and my dad passed at the beginning of the month. Thus, not a lot of free time lately...take care bro..
Finally getting back to work!!!

Here is Luigi's C16 ready to paint.....


Here is a TT Aerobody nearing ready for another member of the Forum...


And not Callaway, but I could not resist making Lou G's ALMS GT2 Vette....Now I have a GT1 GT2 and a GT3...

c8 scale model

i'l have some next week then the front facia will be done but making the molds is suprisingly harder then i excpected. so the 1/18 version is gonna have to wait.
Sorry, Jan. Linking to photos on your computer won't work. You'll have to upload them to your post as an attachment.

If you need some help, look at this thread: Click me

:wJane Ann
Very nice! Your model seems to be more detailed than mine. The hood on mine doesn't come off.

Here's a new never-before-seen pic of mine.


It's scary how the clay I've been using is sucking the color out of the red plastic. Both clays are white and the same.
Look'n good......I know for a fact that it take a lot of time to get the first one done...keep cook'n

Here is a little side project I have been work'n on....



The only time I work on mine is during thunderstorms or during blackouts when I can't watch TV or be on the computer. :L

I wish I had the interest in working on it and getting it done, but back when I was sculpting action figures for money, I had motivation; and personal projects never got done as fast as the ones for cash! ;shrug

I'll get it done by the time I get a real one. I'd never paint it without comparing to the 1:1 scale. :upthumbs
The only time I work on mine is during thunderstorms or during blackouts when I can't watch TV or be on the computer. :L

What do use during the blackouts, candlelight? ;LOL
Well... during the one time we had one, and I worked on it, it was daytime :L. It happened on a 90 degree day and we had a blackout for two days.
Well... during the one time we had one, and I worked on it, it was daytime :L. It happened on a 90 degree day and we had a blackout for two days.

You should have been here after Katrina. 90 to 100 degree days and no power for 2 weeks. At times I thought my brains were cooking in my skull. :mad

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