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Scale Callaway's

  • Thread starter Thread starter critt99
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:drool: these mini Callaways look very good :drool:


yeah, I know I should fix that waterleak.:ohnoes
Very cool. If I see any real C6R's for sale on ebay some day, I'll let you know. I think you should have one to match the models. :upthumbs
Some have been for sale...depending on age, $500,000-1 Million each!
...I'll wait til they are affordable. ;LOL

I saw a Camaro GT1 race car from the Trans-Am series for sale a few months ago for $36,000. :upthumbs When the C6R gets affordable like that, I'll letcha know.
Kinda fun to make somethiing different..Track tool box for the C6R Vette..

Very impressive, only a little black paint and its a perfect match! If you going to make a little torque wrench with dail indicator on top I'm going to faint! :D

Groeten Peter
...interesting pics, but I bet that he bought his, unlike Mike, who crafted his garage :upthumbs

Very true. That person actually has a really big collection online of other models if you go to his other albums. Nice photography. :cool
Unfortunately no, I don't want to go into detail in public, but I'm having to take care of some personal issues before job hunting... :ugh
Callaway's in the Czech Republic

A few pics of Martin Matzke's Callaway Z06R in full size and mini....





Another interesting detail... the photographer of the model is a member here. Here's another example of his photography skills. In this photo his subject is his own 2003 MY Z06 utilizing the Great Smokey Mountain area for background.


:wJane Ann

Good to see you're still here Mike! :upthumbs It's been awhile since you've posted on the CAC I think.
Thanx for ask'n....I dusted off the work bench today...havent touched anything for 6 weeks. I have been out of work sick for 2 weeks and my dad passed at the beginning of the month. Thus, not a lot of free time lately...take care bro..
Thanx for ask'n....I dusted off the work bench today...havent touched anything for 6 weeks. I have been out of work sick for 2 weeks and my dad passed at the beginning of the month. Thus, not a lot of free time lately...take care bro..
Sorry about your dad, my grandma went in January, but that's not quite the same as your dad.

Get well, I've been sick for a month now. I lost my hearing in my left ear a few weeks ago thanks to TMJ and an ear infection, but by some strange act of God, the loud music at Exotic Car Night tonight pressured my ear up and I regained a lot of my hearing. Absolute miracle; I was probably down to 10% hearing prior and have been for 2 weeks. Mono sound, is NOT COOL! :ohnoes
Thanx for ask'n....I dusted off the work bench today...havent touched anything for 6 weeks. I have been out of work sick for 2 weeks and my dad passed at the beginning of the month. Thus, not a lot of free time lately...take care bro..

Mike, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and illness.

My condolences to you and your family. I hope things get better for you quickly.

Jane Ann

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