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Scale Callaway's

  • Thread starter Thread starter critt99
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I will third that. The display looked awesome.

The paint & other details were brilliant. Brilliant can be used in concept and application, as it was indeed amazing! :beer
I'm impressed with the details; particularly all the different hoods.
First Pics of the 1/18th Dymags from Italy

I have been low for a while, but will soon be kick'n back into gear with the models.

I had a company in Italy do a 3D of the Dymags in scale and "print" them in plastic. If the design is good they will be cast in white metal for the C4 Aerobodies.



Very cool critt but where did the pictures go? (getting browser certificate errors there)

Very cool critt but where did the pictures go? (getting browser certificate errors there)


Critt, I'm getting the same certificate errors that Luigi mentions. And I was just about to show some of your incredible work to a friend. ;squint:

Jane Ann
I wish I could, have to be in Colorado doing the Army thing.....will miss you all, the COG is a fantastic group of chaps....
Critt, I really am enjoying the pics of your incredible work. Like all of the others, I am truly amazed at your talent. Your talent also extends to the photographs you take and share with us of the models. First rate models deserve first rate photos. The detail that you are able to capture in the photos shows through everything you post. Keep up the posting - it has become one of my favorites.
Thanx Red....I will be in the Springs in a few weeks. Where are you?
I forgot about it.....do you think our friend with the super-speedster and the C7R will be bringing them out?....the C6-3 is in the mail today...thanx..I owe ya..
I'm back in the saddle again!

Got about 8 project cars cook'n

Here is a set of 4 GT3 Callaway Z06R's that are bound for Europe..and a C4 Aerobody going to the Netherlands



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