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Scale Callaway's

  • Thread starter Thread starter critt99
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Oh man, that's great work right there. A scale building? :upthumbs
CRITT99....you are the man! Absolutely phenomenal the work you produce:)
Frank, I'm bad...I forgot the decals....they are on the way...sorry
Not a problem Mike, I am having trouble trying to get my two-tone seats to come out flat or satin black, keep coming out gloss for some reason even though I'm using flat or stain paint. Any ideas???? I'll send pics to you when I get it totally completed. Thanks for all!!!!:) Nick
Got a new toy.....DecalPro's dry transfer system...took about a week to figure it out, but the results are far beyond the old water slide decals....

Jeroen, did you get my message..send me an email..lets talk.

critt99, you are one very talented dude! You get my vote for the most creative, patient, the best for sharing your photos & helping all of us out! ABSOLUTELY BREATH-TAKING!
What a Spectacular assembly of Callaway Corvettes.... building and all!

You have lots of talent and magic hands ! :upthumbs

Thanks very much Luigi..was a pleasure to meet all of you in person...means so much more to put a face with the avatar!!!

I was impressed with the family like atmoshpere of the COG...You are all great.
Was really glad I got to see this. Very good detail and really neat layout. I had no idea that you had built so many models of these cars :BOW
Mike, your setup at the NCM was nothing short of awesome!!
Mike, I just wanted to say thank you again for all your support at the event in BG. The display, the photography, and the incredible model sitting on my desk!

Awesome talent and drive!

Thanks again,

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