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Scale Callaway's

  • Thread starter Thread starter critt99
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Awesome! I wish making the real exhaust for a Callaway were as easy! I could make my own exhaust at home using a pipe and superglue :)
Critt, I hope you'll be happy to know that I have began working on my C8 model once again. :)

I actually worked on it for several hours yesterday. I resculpted the front end (since I realized my original version didn't have enough overhang -- noticed because of the great pics from my brochure) and already hardened it. It needs some shaving and such that I wasn't able to do while the clay was soft.

I have several questions maybe you can answer for me.

I'm having a hard time sculpting the rear end of the car from scratch. Unlike the front end, there isn't much to put clay on to hold it there. If left to my own devices, I'm going to end up with a 3 inch thick clay block back there. Any ideas on building a skeleton that
1) won't impede my sculpting
2) can survive being boiled to harden the clay (my styrafoam idea fails this test)

Also, do you know what will remove the haze on the clear windshield plastic? Sculpey apparently has a chemical reaction that clouds the clear plastics. Since I always used this clay on action figures in the past, I never ran into this problem. I've tried plexiglass polish, but it didn't help. Is there a way to make the windows look tinted (on the exterior) to hide how fogged up they look?
I really dont know what you can do for the glass. I usually have a "junk" glass that I use for fabrication and keep a good one for the final build. After years of experimentation, I prefer 3m Lite body filler. You can cut it down easy and it sticks to your tounge. It can be thick and stable for years. I really dont mess with anything else anymore. Hope you figure it out...mike
Mike, I'm truely amaised by the craftmanship and your eye for detail you put into your scale models. And I see now you don't have some box with all the parts but you make them from a piece of carton/plastic and some "simple" tools. I admire your skills very much and hope to see some more update's on the different cars. :upthumbs

Groeten Peter.
"New" GT3 Z06R cage

Here is a shot of the Updated Callaway Z06R cage..



You know, it's getting to the point where I would believe that was a picture of a model you've made :cool
Very cool. Between the models and video games, looks like the next best thing to owning a Calloway!
Turbo, that is sooooo cool....I love the behind the wheel view. I cannot play video games worth a crap!...Thanx for adding that on...you da man!
How to make a fire bottle 101

I use 2-part acrylic (liquid-powder) and set the tube in vertical position and filler-up with the acrylic. When dry, flip over and do the other side. Gives nice smooth round ends...test next class!




Gone Crazy Painting...

Well, I have been away from the models for about a month due to the needs of the Army and family, but I am back. I had a day at home alone and after all of the honey-do's were do'ed...I went to work on the long overdue painting. I got Big Johns LM basecoated, 2 yellow GT3's and the first silver GT3 painted. Stripes for the LM are due this week and Mark your green machine is next. More to follow..I have a few special Callaway surprises to show in the weeks to come.








The First 1/18th Aerobody Lives!!!

Here is the first view of the first Aerobody painted ( TT 1991 #001). It had to be close to "Old Lyme Green" ...my favorite color...the car is not clear coated yet and the base coat is 75% pearl. Cost me $100.00 for the quart, not counting the clear...It took about 1/8 cup to paint...I have "some" left over!!!! But it was worth it...Do ya like it Shopview?



CRITT99- I had no idea. I'm glad I took a min to look at this post. By the looks of it you are having a blast! Nice work.

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