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Shielding for a 66 L79


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
Hi, I know this may be a funny request , but here goes.

I took off my distributor shielding and threw it out 41 years ago. I have never regretted it, because of the ease of working on plugs and distributor and we all know that you need to work on those areas if you drive your car all the time. Plus I don't miss the skinned knuckles changing plugs.

I am planning a possible trip this year to Europe with the car , same as my 48 State trip. My car is a matching numbers car except for the water pump, alt , starter . (is there more?) don't care........

I am trying to have the correct parts on the car for the trip. Dates are not as important and the correct part.

I would like to borrow the Top and side shielding for my car for the trip. I don't expect to have to work on the distributor so I can live with the shielding for the trip.

If you are not using your shielding and would like to help me out let me know. I will return it when I get back.....

I know ,, I know,,,, getting a little NCRS, but I will be meeting a lot of people with Corvettes in Europe and would like the car to look correct. I will send back pictures of your shielding with me having a beer in Bavaria , Or maybe I could convince a Blonde Swede to pose rubbing and polishing it.


Someone up there likes me

am happy to announce that 64 LS has sent me a complete set. He bought it in 1991 and never used it .

You can see why,,,,,, his 64 is a car to behold and some of you have seen it , it was at Sema this fall


Thanks again Jere

Shielding going on for the first time in 42 years

Jere, Thank you for the use of the shielding.........

Once I remembered that the plug brackets are held on by the manifold bolts.......the rest was easy.........

It is a tight fit over the distributor........the kit had everything in it......

Top, sides , right and left upper shields and all the wing nuts and coil bracket, and plug wire brackets....

I did not need the wire brackets as I had installed new ones last year.

Here are the pictures of the engine bay without cleaner or shielding and with them on.......




Shielding On and I like it.......



Just need to fire up the engine and get some patina on it

It will look fine being polished

Looks nice.

Thanks for the use of the shielding

Looks nice.



Thanks again Jere, for the use of the shielding, looks great and today I will get out on the road and put a few miles on the shielding.

Here are some updated pictures of my task of making the engine compartment look more like it did when I bought the car 42 years ago Forget the french locks, put one on and realized why I took them off.

Last week before work





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