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2007 Corvette Coupe

I just bought a almost new 2007 Corvette Coupe from a local Chevy dealer, it had 4200 miles on the odometer after being almost 6 years old and trading in my 2012 Camaro V6 Convertible that had more miles on it then the Corvette.,It is a 6 liter V8 with automatic trans.
Believe it or not the Corvette gets better gas mileage than the V6 Camaro does and rides and handles a lot better.
I traded in a 2003 Corvette Convertible in for the V6 Camaro and was very unhappy for doing that so when I got a chance to get another Corvette I jumped at it but it cost me some extra money but at least I now have a Car that I will be keeping for many years.
I did the same juggle. Traded my 06 corvette vert for a 2011 Synergy Green Callaway Camaro. After 10 months I was ready to go back. Got a 2009 Callaway vert Cyber gray. Much happier, then the 60th annv hit the street this year.I decided to go for my retirement car early. It's scary fast but I love it. Enjoy your car, life is to short to settle for....:beer
Purchased my 1st ever new Corvette in August of 2011. Traded it on an ordered 2013 Coupe (White-cashmere/ebony) in April, and took delivery on June 4th, 2012. Traded it on yet another ordered 2013 Coupe (Cyber Gray-titanium/ebony) in September. Took delivery of this one on October 23rd, 2012. This time I think I finally got it right. Unless the new C7 absolutely blows the C6's away, I'm done (running out of retirement money, LOL). Here are a couple pics of my new dream Corvette. Third time's a charm. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


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Feeling young

I did the same juggle. Traded my 06 corvette vert for a 2011 Synergy Green Callaway Camaro. After 10 months I was ready to go back. Got a 2009 Callaway vert Cyber gray. Much happier, then the 60th annv hit the street this year.I decided to go for my retirement car early. It's scary fast but I love it. Enjoy your car, life is to short to settle for....:beer
A statement was made that having a Corvette was like having your own fountain of youth and sipping on it every time the light turns green.:L
A statement was made that having a Corvette was like having your own fountain of youth and sipping on it every time the light turns green.:L[/QUO427 sunset 025.JPGTE]


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98pewter - beautiful car. :w enjoy.

the c5 will allways hold a part of my hart.i cut my teeth on one.it was a hard choice to get rid of it.i think there all rolling art.....:beer576057_449157621772865_1300737308_n.jpg005.jpg
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Thats a nice looking ZR1 next to your beautiful pewter Corvette. :w
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looks familar doesn't it...the zr1s are the cream of the crop.i had thought about a zr1 but could not talk the boss into it..mabe next time:D:eyerole
Another view of 98pewter. :w



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Another view of 98pewter. :w

i thought i knew that zr1.it's a small corvette world we live in.it's good to post with a friend that has been such help threw the hendricks saga..where are you going tommorow.i think, maybe grill 57 how about you.hope to see you if not keep that rocket under warp speed.....here's to you:beer
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Showing off my C6 2007

Nice wheels!:)
This 2007 Corvette I bought in October is the sharpest car I have ever had and I plan to keep this car no matter what may happen.
Since I am 71 years old I realized that if I didn't get the Corvette of my dreams now I might never get one and whatever years I have left I want to enjoy them having this car
This 2007 Corvette I bought in October is the sharpest car I have ever had and I plan to keep this car no matter what may happen.
Since I am 71 years old I realized that if I didn't get the Corvette of my dreams now I might never get one and whatever years I have left I want to enjoy them having this car

Southern and Western Corvettes

i thought i knew that zr1.it's a small corvette world we live in.it's good to post with a friend that has been such help threw the hendricks saga..where are you going tommorow.i think, maybe grill 57 how about you.hope to see you if not keep that rocket under warp speed.....here's to you:beer

All of you that are fortunate to live in snow free climates I hope you have great rides in the months to come, Unfortunately we here in Michigan store our 'Vettes December until March or until the ice and snow(and salt) is off our roads but the good side of this is we have Corvettes here that may be many years old but have low miles.
Photo taken Saturday.
Lou - we try to take them out all year long here in the Raleigh North Carolina area. :w


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