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Show off your C6's!!

Here's what Bob (RBS C5) did with my 2005. I wanted something simple but effective and this is what he did for me.

Rick T C6 sm-med.jpg
Very cool!
Briefly talked to you and saw your car at the Coughlin car show in September. What a beast. I can't tame the power of a standard LS3 let alone what yours has.
Nice roadsters!
98pewter - I didn't know your boy got his license. Looking good. :w

that's as close to driving scarlet as he will see in a long long long long did i say long :hb;squint:427 107.jpg;squint:;squint::ohnoes :eyerole time
That is still closer than some will ever get. :w
I was unable to go on the cruise to Valentines Virginia. Sounds like everyone had a great time and they got their cards postmarked with the Valentines mark.
I stayed in Chapel Hill and waxed my new Grand Sport with automatic and NAV - I traded in the 2010 Tahoe. :w


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