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Show off your C6's!!

Our 2008 Coupe(in the backround are our 1980 & 1968)

Here is my 07 Z51. 1st pic is the day we bought the vette, 2nd pic is just a random shot in the garage. and 3rd is an auto-x picture from Elkins WV airport. trying to find better pictures, post more later.
Additional pictures, these werre taken during a spur of the moment 12 hr road trip, we had a blast. These pictues were taken at the Greenbank Observitory in Greenbrier County West Virginia. The roads and country side are awesome. well worht the trip to tour the compound. The Blue Z16 Z06 belongs to a good friend of mine.
Recently purchased 2008 crystal red metallic LS3 coupe. It's my new rocket ship to go along with my 1981 time machine. One from each century!
Not to sure how to load a picture here but, I have an album I put together under FXM. Brother helped me and took the pictures.

NOTE: See post #158 to view a photo from your album. - Jane Ann
c-6 pics

here is my c-6 Callaway:w:w:w:w:w:w. :w
My 2005 C-6 Z51 Coup "Prestige Red"

18,000 miles on this beauty! Only driven on weekends, never in bad weather and always in the garage when it's resting.

Not to sure how to load a picture here but, I have an album I put together under FXM. Brother helped me and took the pictures.

Please allow me - I think we can hotlink album photos...

Sweet JSB BTW!!

My first Corvette, purchased Nov 2009. :D

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