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Speaking of the CF and their 'censorship', what's new with #29 anyway?

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For those of us who aren't going to Florida this winter, we would love to see more pics of #29 and see what the whole car looks like and hear more about its past. Our curiosity has been more than provoked and would love to see more of it!

Do Tyler or Brett or any others out there have any pics of it they would like to share with us???
I have several pics but cannot post them. Sam, I do have several pics and it IS a very, very early car. I had #035 apart a couple of years ago and it was not as odd as #029 is. Several of the components are also very early in production. Earlier than I have ever been able to document. Very neat stuff. Body build characteristics would be extremely difficult to duplicate. A car with just cloth panels won't cut it. It was built before October 1st 1953 also.

This will be a treat to see for those of us into the 53 era.
Articles will be coming out at the beginning of December and January showing pictures of #29. Some pics from now and some from 1964.:thumb
For those of us who aren't going to Florida this winter, we would love to see more pics of #29 and see what the whole car looks like and hear more about its past. Our curiosity has been more than provoked and would love to see more of it!

Do Tyler or Brett or any others out there have any pics of it they would like to share with us???

Ken has an article with pictures in a Vette magazine that will be on the newsstands in Dec. These with his comments will be well worth the wait.

For those of us who aren't going to Florida this winter, we would love to see more pics of #29 and see what the whole car looks like and hear more about its past. Our curiosity has been more than provoked and would love to see more of it!

Do Tyler or Brett or any others out there have any pics of it they would like to share with us???

All the more reason to come and enjoy the Florida weather! :D

There will be a plethora of pictures taken in January, I'm sure!
All the more reason to come and enjoy the Florida weather! :D

There will be a plethora of pictures taken in January, I'm sure!

I'll bring extra batteries for the camera.:L
Not to add........

Quite a few memory sticks too...gotta have high resolution pics!!!
I will bet that the person who says they own # 29 in Indiana will not be there. ANY BETS?? That person also says they have finished a 1954 Corvair Motorama Car. Any one seen a pic of it on CF, I haven't and I don't think he will post any pic. Maybe everyone on CAC who visits CF should post on his thread asking him to post pic of the Corvair Motorama car. After all he said in his thread it is finished. I would think that IF you built something like that you would want to post pic and show it off to everyone. What do you all think.
Good point, Mike. Also, if you checkout 1954corvair's CF profile page, it also states that he already has a green one as well as a burgandy one. Really? How about a picture of that? Woops, UPDATE 11/16/09. The profile information about the two Corvairs has now been deleted.

Maybe the old fella in Plymouth, IN who does all of this work will post a picture of them? Maybe someone should call him. I gave Bob Mangold his contact info last year so he could visit him. I saw pictures of this man's shop on ebay, recently.

The ebay picture of the roof mold that I made hadn't been used either. I believe that the man in Plymouth is probably in the early stages of making the "first" one and that there are no green or burgandy ones built at this time.
Otherwise, there would be pics of them, don't you think?
I will bet that the person who says they own # 29 in Indiana will not be there. ANY BETS?? That person also says they have finished a 1954 Corvair Motorama Car. Any one seen a pic of it on CF, I haven't and I don't think he will post any pic. Maybe everyone on CAC who visits CF should post on his thread asking him to post pic of the Corvair Motorama car. After all he said in his thread it is finished. I would think that IF you built something like that you would want to post pic and show it off to everyone. What do you all think.
Really? And wouldn't you shit a brick if he did.

Maybe everyone that is posting about #029 both here and at CF needs to stop acting like two year olds, and start putting your money where your mouth is.

Some of you are acting like little boys in these threads with the digs and underhanded remarks.

If #029 in Indiana is a fake, then it's about time a few of you take your money and go hire an attorney and open a law suit.

The same goes for the person that owns #029 in Indiana.

The constant bantering back and forth is friggin pathetic, and quite frankly, I'm starting to get sick and tired of getting complaints about the immature bantering going on here.

Stop waiting for the NCRS event to come around in January, go hire some attorneys and put the whole situation into a court of law.
Last but not least, I've heard of enough stories of break-ins and illegal activity to fill a book.

Maybe it's time I start pulling some strings and making some calls to some police departments to verify some of these stories.

I'm curious to see what I'm going to find out...and rest assured, I have no problems turning over anything I have to law enforcement if it will help bring this entire fiasco to an official close and those at fault are brought to some sort of justice.
Rob, it's done! The Ind title was surrendered and the car is currently registered in Florida to the widiow of the original owner of the car in Florida. The dishonesty on CF was that Roger represented he owned the car for a long time and anyone who questioned that fact was portrayed as a troublemaker/lier. Feelings are still rather tender over that. At this point there is no fraud as said car was never sold. What bothers some the most is that there was deliberate intent to decieve the Corvette comunity on this car yet no one seems to question further assertions made by him about other cars. Do I trust him? No. But you are right its time to put it bed.

The only justice in this case would be to regonize any representations made by Roger need to be scrutinized very carefully.

Rob, it's done! The Ind title was surrendered and the car is currently registered in Florida to the widiow of the original owner of the car in Florida. The dishonesty on CF was that Roger represented he owned the car for a long time and anyone who questioned that fact was portrayed as a troublemaker/lier. Feelings are still rather tender over that. At this point there is no fraud as said car was never sold. What bothers some the most is that there was deliberate intent to decieve the Corvette comunity on this car yet no one seems to question further assertions made by him about other cars. Do I trust him? No. But you are right its time to put it bed.

The only justice in this case would be to regonize any representations made by Roger need to be scrutinized very carefully.


Then I want to see the documentation showing this.

Give me a name and number of someone at the Indiana DMV that I can call and get verification that the title has been surrendered.

I also want the name and number of someone at a Florida DMV that I can call and confirm that #029 has been officially registered in that state.

And then, I want the phone number of the woman that has titled the car down there.
Last but not least, the actions of several surrounding this issue and this hobby need to be scrutinized because after talking to some of the older long-timers in this hobby that have since taken a step back, I've learned that there is a lot of money-hunger, dishonesty and illegal activity going on behind the scenes - and that has caused some very popular names to leave the hobby and step back from the limelight.

I was wondering why those names were no longer being seen and now I'm starting to find out why.
I'm also sensing a bullying effect going on and that leads me to ask....why?

Usually when someone starts a bullying effect, it usually means one thing: they're guilty of something.

I'm now sick of waiting for January to roll around and some article in Vette Vues to be published.

I want names. I want numbers. And I want them of credible people. I want facts, official reports and valid documents.

I no longer want to see a pile of words posted in a forum. I don't want emails with stories, or PM's with explanations. I want physical facts and physical evidence from individuals and organizations that are officially and legally involved in this matter.
This is the current title information for the car.


The car with ALL documentation back to the initial registration in West VA and second owner (husband of current owner) in West Va with follow on documentation from FL will be on display. These documents are not on line and have to be researched by the states involved and copies made. They have been requested by the owner. She also has found pictures of the car with her husband and these will be dispalyed. The car had a 409 in it when it was bought by the second owner.

This car has been inspected and documented by Ken Kayser. I am not sure of what crosscurrents you are getting but Ken is a highly respected member of our faternity of early car owners, if he says it is real then it is!!! If you want to see the car before then at the restorers just email the restorer he posted in the other thread, I am sure he will be happy to have you visit his shop. If you want someone in FL to check if for you that can be arranged too. There is NO one associated with the car in Florida trying to hide anything.

I'm done, you want to see it in the flesh come to the show in January.

I'm also sensing a bullying effect going on and that leads me to ask....why?

Usually when someone starts a bullying effect, it usually means one thing: they're guilty of something.

I'm now sick of waiting for January to roll around and some article in Vette Vues to be published.

I want names. I want numbers. And I want them of credible people. I want facts, official reports and valid documents.

I no longer want to see a pile of words posted in a forum. I don't want emails with stories, or PM's with explanations. I want physical facts and physical evidence from individuals and organizations that are officially and legally involved in this matter.

Rob, be realistic. There is such a thing as privavcy act and the DMV for FL. and the DMV for In. will not just give out information on cars or titles to just anyone who ask or anyone who calls them up on the phone and ask about a title or a car Vin#.
This is the current title information for the car.


The car with ALL documentation back to the initial registration in West VA and second owner (husband of current owner) in West Va with follow on documentation from FL will be on display. These documents are not on line and have to be researched by the states involved and copies made. They have been requested by the owner. She also has found pictures of the car with her husband and these will be dispalyed. The car had a 409 in it when it was bought by the second owner.

This car has been inspected and documented by Ken Kayser. I am not sure of what crosscurrents you are getting but Ken is a highly respected member of our faternity of early car owners, if he says it is real then it is!!! If you want to see the car before then at the restorers just email the restorer he posted in the other thread, I am sure he will be happy to have you visit his shop. If you want someone in FL to check if for you that can be arranged too. There is NO one associated with the car in Florida trying to hide anything.

I'm done, you want to see it in the flesh come to the show in January.

That's great, but I'm not done yet.

There's a very good possibility that I will be in Florida in January, but I really don't want to wait till then. I want all of this out in the open now.

So who can I contact at the Indiana BMV to acquire documentation showing that the title was surrendered?
Rob, be realistic. There is such a thing as privavcy act and the DMV for FL. and the DMV for In. will not just give out information on cars or titles to just anyone who ask or anyone who calls them up on the phone and ask about a title or a car Vin#.
Yep....I know. And I'm being very realistic.

The way I see this in a nutshell, there's two camps pointing fingers at one another, making accusations and flinging insults at one another online.

When I start getting pulled into the mire for running a "bashing site", then I have a REAL big problem with all of this.

I haven't deleted posts or threads like the CF because I wanted to give everyone a chance to present facts - but when the underhanded remarks and insults start flying and I get called on the carpet for letting it happen - then I'm not pleased. I think I've been VERY fair and VERY patient with all of this - but patience has all but worn out.

So now, I want proof - and I don't want to wait till January - and I don't want to wait for some article to get published in a magazine.

I've sat back for the last month collecting emails and stories and pictures on all of this.

I've heard about the break-ins, the bricks flying through windows, red pickup trucks and all the BS that goes along with it.

There's credibility and peoples' futures at stake here, and I have yet to see police reports filed for the break-ins. I have yet to hear about attorneys getting involved, etc.

Just about anything can be fabricated when it comes to automotive restoration, but when I hear stories of illegal theft, and break-ins but no documentation to follow up the accusations and claims, then I become suspicious.

I become even more suspicious when I start talking to guys that have been in this hobby for almost as long as I've been born - and they've pulled out of it because of the reasons that have been given to me.

So back to the break-ins - to the best of my knowledge police reports are public information with the exception of:

1. Each police department tends to have their own rules of what documentation they will and will not release - so I've been told.

2. If there is a criminal investigation being conducted, the police reports will NOT be released to the public.

Am I right or wrong?
I don't know anything about any bricks flying threw any windows, anything about a red truck, or anything about breakins. If any of that was true, a person who it happened to would be a FOOL NOT TO FILE A REPORT WITH THE POLICE. Maybe you could call the police in whatever town the person lives in who told you this and ask if there have been Police reports made about it etc (you may need a date that it happened if it did). I know if that was happening to me I would have the police involved or I would have already shot who ever was doing it, because I would have waited up for them to come back if indeed this happened more then one time to the person you are talking about.
I don't want to wait till Jan. also but I think we will have to so we can get to the bottom of the story.

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