Rob, be realistic. There is such a thing as privavcy act and the DMV for FL. and the DMV for In. will not just give out information on cars or titles to just anyone who ask or anyone who calls them up on the phone and ask about a title or a car Vin#.
Yep....I know. And I'm being very realistic.
The way I see this in a nutshell, there's two camps pointing fingers at one another, making accusations and flinging insults at one another online.
When I start getting pulled into the mire for running a "bashing site", then I have a REAL big problem with all of this.
I haven't deleted posts or threads like the CF because I wanted to give everyone a chance to present facts - but when the underhanded remarks and insults start flying and I get called on the carpet for letting it happen - then I'm not pleased. I think I've been VERY fair and VERY patient with all of this - but patience has all but worn out.
So now, I want proof - and I don't want to wait till January - and I don't want to wait for some article to get published in a magazine.
I've sat back for the last month collecting emails and stories and pictures on all of this.
I've heard about the break-ins, the bricks flying through windows, red pickup trucks and all the BS that goes along with it.
There's credibility and peoples' futures at stake here, and I have yet to see police reports filed for the break-ins. I have yet to hear about attorneys getting involved, etc.
Just about anything can be fabricated when it comes to automotive restoration, but when I hear stories of illegal theft, and break-ins but no documentation to follow up the accusations and claims, then I become suspicious.
I become even more suspicious when I start talking to guys that have been in this hobby for almost as long as I've been born - and they've pulled out of it because of the reasons that have been given to me.
So back to the break-ins - to the best of my knowledge police reports are public information with the exception of:
1. Each police department tends to have their own rules of what documentation they will and will not release - so I've been told.
2. If there is a criminal investigation being conducted, the police reports will NOT be released to the public.
Am I right or wrong?