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Speaking of the CF and their 'censorship', what's new with #29 anyway?

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My, oh my.........

Well, I seem to have started another heated debate here, sorry for that. But, as I asked in my original post. I would love to see, as I am sure others would too, pictures of the #29 in Florida as it sits. We saw the one pic of the VIN tag on the door jamb, but that's it. I would love to see pics of it in the original, untouched state. Why can't someone closer to the car, or someone who has access to it, post some here. It might actually help brings things to a close, afterall, for most of us, we have seen nothing of either car on here....so, pics, please????
There are 2 pictures of the car in as found condition posted on the web site of the restorer under projects.

Link please.........

There are 2 pictures of the car in as found condition posted on the web site of the restorer under projects.


Where would that be, I would love to see it.....got a link to his site???
1/4 of the way down the page

JM Enterprizes, Projects

To make it easier for everybody, here are the 3 pictures now available to the public regarding the Florida car.

53 #276



Just got a call 1953 s/n 150 will be at the Winter Regional for PV so we will probably park it next to s/n 29 for those who want to compare the two cars. 150 is the 53 that had a 54 title and the current owner was able to trace the titles back and get them corrected.

:thumbThe more the 53's the better.

If I can get a 54 Motorama Fastback glued up in time, do you have a place for it?
Just got a call 1953 s/n 150 will be at the Winter Regional for PV so we will probably park it next to s/n 29 for those who want to compare the two cars. 150 is the 53 that had a 54 title and the current owner was able to trace the titles back and get them corrected.


I didn't realize you were personally involved with the #029 down in FL?

I didn't realize you were personally involved with the #029 down in FL?

I am not involved with the car. I am involved in the hobby. I help run the NCRS Winter Regional Meet in January at Oldtown. As such I am always looking for cars that would interest our members. When this car was first discovered (long before all this BS) I talked about it with Ken and decided that it would be of interest to the early car NCRS members. I also felt having a restored 53 parked beside the unrestored car would be of interest and was looking for a 53 for display. The owner of 150 called me today to ask about registration (I do all the registration for the event) and mentioned he was doing a PV at the meet I made sure he was bringing it and made the post.

I have for the last 10 years helped Bill Locke at the Bloomington Gold Special collection. As such I have come to know many of the owners of some special Corvettes and thier stories. I am always on the lookout for information about these cars and when something surfaces I try to get those who know to contribute this knowledge to those of us who do not. Face it a new undescovered 53 is a story even without all the drama we have seen over the last month. I knew of the fake before I knew of the real car and I knew it was a fake. This hobby should not have to suffer those who are willing to fake a car then lie about it.

I have had one advantage in this exercise, I know who to trust. It has taken 25 years to sort out but if someone I trust tells me something I take it to the bank. You, however do not have that insight yet but once this is over you will have a sense of those names you can trust when talking about the early cars. I may not know specifics about all Corvettes but I know who to call. I also listen, read, and ask questions. Today I enjoyed the talk with the owner of 150 as he told me of some of the locations he found the s/n besides the frame. This car has a neat story behind it too.

As a moderator on this net attending NCRS, Bloomington, and Carslile events would sure help you understand the crosscurrents.

Tyler or Tim.

Did that car have an aftermarket hardtop on it at one point?

Rob, you will have a chance to speak to the owner like I told you. It will have to wait until the articles come out. We gave our word to Ken that he had 1st rights to the story on the car, and we don't plan on changing that.
Yes. It still has the hardtop with it, although I don't think it's complete.

I thought I recognized the hardtop's rear window gasket on the passenger side floor in the picture. Some things just never change with these old cars. :)
Hardtop, on a 53? Aftermarket I asume?


Yes. There were three types produced.
Scott (I have one of these) They would be fairly easy to reproduce.
Model Builders (clear)
Well, since this thread is about the goings on of the FL #029, I see that Russ (Golden 53) has posted three very good pics of the FL car on the CF. They are in Tyler's thread about 029 and 150.

It will be interesting to see just how long they will be allowed to be viewed. Russ did a good job by stating that they are in the public domain.

The pics look like they represent actual "facts", IMO, instead of conjecture or underhanded comments.
The pics look like they represent actual "facts", IMO, instead of conjecture or underhanded comments.
I've been reading along these various threads and kept out of it until now.

Brett, I don't mean to offend you, although it's hard to criticize someone without doing so, but you're hardly in a position to be making high-horse remarks about underhanded comments. There's hardly a C1 thread that comes up which you don't make some kind of a snide reference to the controversy.

If you're completely convinced the Florida car is the real deal, I have to wonder what motivates you to keep stirring the pot...;shrug

On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm glad someone is recreating the Motorama Corvair. I just wish I had the $$$ to grab one, preferably on a modern chassis...

I've been reading along these various threads and kept out of it until now.

Brett, I don't mean to offend you, although it's hard to criticize someone without doing so, but you're hardly in a position to be making high-horse remarks about underhanded comments. There's hardly a C1 thread that comes up which you don't make some kind of a snide reference to the controversy.

If you're completely convinced the Florida car is the real deal, I have to wonder what motivates you to keep stirring the pot...;shrug

On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm glad someone is recreating the Motorama Corvair. I just wish I had the $$$ to grab one, preferably on a modern chassis...


I'm not offended at all. You misunderstood my remark referencing underhanded comments. I was commending Russ (Golden53) for presenting actual facts, per Rob's recent request.

I suspect that the CF will remove Russ' pictures and voiced my opinion.

PM sent

Originally Posted by 53 Blue Flame
:thumbThe more the 53's the better.

If I can get a 54 Motorama Fastback glued up in time, do you have a place for it?



And if Tyler can find a place for it, so can I! ;)

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