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Speaking of the CF and their 'censorship', what's new with #29 anyway?

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I'm not offended at all. You misunderstood my remark referencing underhanded comments. I was commending Russ (Golden53) for presenting actual facts, per Rob's recent request.

I suspect that the CF will remove Russ' pictures and voiced my opinion.

PM sent

If I'm mistaken, please accept my apologies. PM reply also sent.

I am not involved with the car. I am involved in the hobby. I help run the NCRS Winter Regional Meet in January at Oldtown. As such I am always looking for cars that would interest our members. When this car was first discovered (long before all this BS) I talked about it with Ken and decided that it would be of interest to the early car NCRS members. I also felt having a restored 53 parked beside the unrestored car would be of interest and was looking for a 53 for display. The owner of 150 called me today to ask about registration (I do all the registration for the event) and mentioned he was doing a PV at the meet I made sure he was bringing it and made the post.

I have for the last 10 years helped Bill Locke at the Bloomington Gold Special collection. As such I have come to know many of the owners of some special Corvettes and thier stories. I am always on the lookout for information about these cars and when something surfaces I try to get those who know to contribute this knowledge to those of us who do not. Face it a new undescovered 53 is a story even without all the drama we have seen over the last month. I knew of the fake before I knew of the real car and I knew it was a fake. This hobby should not have to suffer those who are willing to fake a car then lie about it.

I have had one advantage in this exercise, I know who to trust. It has taken 25 years to sort out but if someone I trust tells me something I take it to the bank. You, however do not have that insight yet but once this is over you will have a sense of those names you can trust when talking about the early cars. I may not know specifics about all Corvettes but I know who to call. I also listen, read, and ask questions. Today I enjoyed the talk with the owner of 150 as he told me of some of the locations he found the s/n besides the frame. This car has a neat story behind it too.

As a moderator on this net attending NCRS, Bloomington, and Carslile events would sure help you understand the crosscurrents.

Tyler, I have much more understanding of crosscurrents and insight then I think you give me credit for. But someday, maybe we'll have an opportunity to sit down and compare insight.
Rob, you will have a chance to speak to the owner like I told you. It will have to wait until the articles come out. We gave our word to Ken that he had 1st rights to the story on the car, and we don't plan on changing that.


No offense, but I really could care less about published articles. I'm seeking the truth here - not published articles or increasing the circulation of a magazine.

I care about the information that is present on this web site and that is primary goal.

If I have to wait for some published article in a magazine to officiate everything - then I start questioning people's motives.

Out of curiosity, what is the floor composed of on #029 in FL? Any pics of the floor stripped bare that you can show?
I would also like to see close up photos of the:

1. Interior roof structure
2. Gas door lid
3. Rear-end showing the exhaust pipes
4. Trunk interior
5. Closeup of the lower rocker panels
I would also like to see close up photos of the:

1. Interior roof structure
2. Gas door lid
3. Rear-end showing the exhaust pipes
4. Trunk interior
5. Closeup of the lower rocker panels
I'm guessing that you mean the conv top frame?
Car does not have original exhaust, so no pic of that. It does still have the original hangers and bolts there.
The car has cloth showing everywhere, conv deck lid, trunk lid, patches in the trunk area showing, cloth under the dash, floor pans, etc.
Cars has many dated parts, all correspond to build date.
We would like to now see some pics of the other #29.
I'm guessing that you mean the conv top frame?
Car does not have original exhaust, so no pic of that. It does still have the original hangers and bolts there.
The car has cloth showing everywhere, conv deck lid, trunk lid, patches in the trunk area showing, cloth under the dash, floor pans, etc.
Cars has many dated parts, all correspond to build date.
We would like to now see some pics of the other #29.

Yes it would be interesting to see pic of the Indiana # 29

For those of us who cannot attend the Florida meet, thanks for adding those pics to your websites. Nice detail. You obviously have a great deal of work to do.

53 #276

No problem. We're ready to get going on it, but don't want to mess with too much until it can be shown in January.
Once we do get started, we'll update the pictures on the site to show how it's progressing. It definitely has a great deal of work that needs to be done.
Nothing other than pictures of the actual numbers off of the car will prove what number that car is however we thank Roger for making photos available of the car he believes to be 029. Roger has pointed out several areas in these photos that only early cars would have. Please feel free to comment on the details of the photos if you have early car knowledge. If nothing else, this whole discussion has shown me how little I know about the early '53s and I want to learn more.

Rob, Sorry but to (ME) the pic that you posted of # 29 from Indiana don't prove anything about it being the original # 29.
Well, tell ya what....

Roger is more than willing to pay to have me and a group of experts come out and inspect his car.

So, if I get the vacation time from work and I decide to go - I think you should come with me. In fact, I think a bunch of you should come with me.

By the way: Tim A - if you would like to talk to Roger - I have his phone number. He's more than willing to talk to you and answer any questions you have about his #029.

I have a few issues with some of the pics of the #029 down in FL - but I don't feel confident enough to comment on them because my knowledge of '53's is pretty limited.

So why don't we all just take two weeks out of our schedules and go on a little field trip to Indiana and then to Florida.

Let's just get this whole train wreck out in the open already rather than posting one liners telling me that the pictures don't prove a thing.

If you want to impress me - copy each pic here and explain to me why each pic doesn't prove a thing. ;shrug

You asked for pics - and I took two friggin hours out of my busy day to scale them down, upload them and give them descriptions - and you go and post a quick sentence telling me they don't prove a thing?

You're welcome. :eyerole
Rob, Sorry but to (ME) the pic that you posted of # 29 from Indiana don't prove anything about it being the original # 29.


Your post refers to a single picture. Tim actually posted 25 pics or more of the Indiana car. Did you take a look at all of the pics, or did you only see the first pic that popped up???

Well, tell ya what....

Roger is more than willing to pay to have me and a group of experts come out and inspect his car.

So, if I get the vacation time from work and I decide to go - I think you should come with me. In fact, I think a bunch of you should come with me.

By the way: Tim A - if you would like to talk to Roger - I have his phone number. He's more than willing to talk to you and answer any questions you have about his #029.

I have a few issues with some of the pics of the #029 down in FL - but I don't feel confident enough to comment on them because my knowledge of '53's is pretty limited.

So why don't we all just take two weeks out of our schedules and go on a little field trip to Indiana and then to Florida.

Let's just get this whole train wreck out in the open already rather than posting one liners telling me that the pictures don't prove a thing.

If you want to impress me - copy each pic here and explain to me why each pic doesn't prove a thing. ;shrug

You asked for pics - and I took two friggin hours out of my busy day to scale them down, upload them and give them descriptions - and you go and post a quick sentence telling me they don't prove a thing?

You're welcome. :eyerole


I will say thank you. Posting pics and adding descriptions takes a good deal of time - I suspect most people don't really appreciate how much time it takes. With the new pics going up of the Florida car, you helped balance the equation by adding pics of the Indiana car.

53 #276

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