Winter plans for the ugliest camaro on earth!
now that my 64 is painted (September) and interior is back in (November) I have been driving it for the past few weeks. Now in storage :cry
My winter project began when my gilfriend decided her Camaro didn't match her purse and bought a TransAm.
I bought her Camaro (the ugliest 95 teal green piece I have seen), I am going to pull the 3.4 out and use it as god had intended (bookends) and put in a 4.3 liter turbo. Yes a big V8 would be much cheaper, easier, and better sounding but I want to be different for once!
I have recently acquired a Garrett GT42 turbo, and some 85lb/hr injectors.
I will be buying FAST engine management soon, along with a TH700R4, intercooler etc..
My main obstacle will be making the exhaust headers, don't exactly know how I am going to do that yet, though I am sure I will be buying a TIG welder soon.