I keep forgetting you newer model guys have metal floor pans. Us older shark guys have 100% fiberglass to wrap our rears in when we sit down.
BTW, if you check with your local Harbor Freight, or Eastwood you will find they sell a cool "undercoating" gun kit. This thing has a series of different wand tips and flexible line. It is perfect for getting up from the bottom.
You must have an air compressor. If you don't have one, shame on you. Go get one. Walmart even sells them now. You don't need much to push this gun for little spurts.
Now, you fill the hopper with POR 15, Eastwood frame paint, undercoating, etc. You get under the car and feed the wand up and into the open access holes on the frame and just flood it full of good stuff. This will seal if from the inside out.
Oh, I almost forgot. Before you do that you want to wash it out from the inside. You can easily do this by getting a couple of gallons of cheap mineral spirits. First run that through your wand and wash everything out. Let it dry for a few days if possible, then go back and blow in the paint/rust proofing.
You can also get a small paint gun from Eastwood that you control a fine delicate spray pattern. With this you can jack up the car, and spray the outside of the frame members to get a better than factory look and finish.
You can try
www.eastwood.com I think that is the link. They send me a catalog every month, so I am sure there is one around here.