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The Joy Of Six

May 29, 2002
Missoura Ozarks
2012 💯 4LT GS Roadster

The '54 Corvette was a lot of things. A lot of different things, compared to the first-year '53s. That fact started with the move of Corvette production from Flint to St. Louis and the end to Flint's "Great Spatula Shortage," caused when Chevrolet bought every spatula they could find in Flint to work the resin into the new Vette body's glass-fiber cloth and it continued with the addition of three more color choices to the original Polo White, and through running changes made during the '54 model run like a camshaft that added five horsepower to the Blue Flame Six's advertised total of 150.

Garage-Found NCRS Top Flight '54 Roadster - Corvette Fever Magazine
Great article that details the effort put into the restoration. :w

They are fun to drive and have people turn their heads.

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