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The New Commercial Was Just On!!!


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
As I was shaving this morning the music of Steppenwolf was heard in the background from my TV. I walked into my bedroom and there it was the so called top secret commercial that was supposed to be shown on 12/31 was being broadcasted on CNBC @ 8:20am ET. The Vette looks dynamite with the few short glances that I caught. The SSR closes the commercial by chasing the car carrier and then spins around and backs up the carrier. Pretty sharp commercial and the Vette was awesome showing the front back and sides of the car! The marketing guys at Chevy have copied the success of Cadillac. Even shows an old SS convertible at the end riding alongside the carrier. Happy New Year to the new 05 Vette!!!!:m
I see GM can't even hold to their own embargo. :(
I just saw the commercial on CNBC as well. It came on at about 9:58 AM EST. There are alot of cars in the commercial but half of the actual time was the Vette. Absolutely awesome!!!!
So much for embargos
I guess everyone can start posting photos again????? If its on TV the so called embargo must be toast!
You guys are KILLING me..

Here I sit at work, no TV and no TV until around 6:30 p.m. PST tonight when I get home!

Maybe they'll have the commercial on durning the Nebraska vs Michigan State game tonight :D

I ask that members please respect CAC's committment here to honor our word about not posting photo's until Midnight Wednesday/Thursday. It is not always easy to stand against the masses, but we gave our word, and that does mean something.

Thank you for your support and cooperation..

Bud Dougherty
CAC Forums Administrator

Please see post directly above this thread

Thank you for your support.
Bud Dougherty
CAC Forums Administrator
Well I thought it was Steppenwolf in the background. Great clip!!!! Thanks!!!
Thanks, GX624

What a great commercial! Kudos to a marketing team that makes you just want to spend your hard-earned $$, and feel good doing it.
It could be that CNBC aired the commercial as a news piece. If so, that might not be covered by the embargo.

There's an interesting story about that commercial, which is called, appropriately, "Car Carrier".

I saw an uncut version of that two weeks ago while I was in Michigan on business. In the second "act" (the segment on the Aveo), there was an incredible low elevation shot of an Aveo going over a hill in San Francisco "Bullet" style, ie: getting lots of air.

Today, I saw the finished version and the "flying" Aveo shot had been cut.

After viewing the tape, I was talking with Brent Dewar (Chevy General Marketing Manager) and he told me that a number of TV stations asked that be cut out because the stations were afraid of law suits which might be filed by people who tried to do the same stunt then crashed.

The full version (with the flying Aveo) will only be showed in movie theaters.

Such is our litiguous society.
Hib, hate to say this but it was the real commercial not a plug for GM on CNBC. It was the real thing and besides myself seeing another CAC member saw it @ 2 hrs later. GX624 had the video from the actual commercial but due to the so called embargo Bud (RARE 81) deleted the file. Oh well... I can say I saw it with my own eyes!!!! Looking forward to you writing about it!!!
Its official after seeing it i have a new goal... To make my C5 be able to beat one in a race...I better start saving some serious cash! =)
atmmac said:
Its official after seeing it i have a new goal... To make my C5 be able to beat one in a race...I better start saving some serious cash! =)

The Aveo or the C6?:L

The Chicago Tribune is going to write an article on the C6 in Thursday's edition. I'll let everyone know what that article is all about.
I have a copy if ya want it.. of the spot -
Rain (1.6 mb)
This was seen on CNBC and OLN so I doubt it was a documentary piece. I don't know the details of the embargo, but I would assume a commercial that has been released to the networks would be fair game to share. No details have been released about the car's performance or specifications. Am I pushing the issue here?

The Commercial

A couple of observations:

Bud, it's nice to know that CAC will honor the midnight 12/31 embargo. Howerver, the actual commercial can be viewed on at least two other very popular Corvette websites. But I'm sure GM will give CAC some "special" award for holding the line.

Hib, interesting line of thought about the "flying Aveo" and our litiguous society. Tell me, why would people be any less inclined to sue a movie theater chain than a television network?

Remo :cool

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