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The New Commercial Was Just On!!!

All Bets Are Off.


The car is out of the closest and GM let it out. There's not a court in this land that would support any so called embargo at this point. Well maybe a court in South Central Los Angeles. But other than that - "it's over".

Remo :cool
Re: All Bets Are Off.

Remo said:

The car is out of the closest and GM let it out. There's not a court in this land that would support any so called embargo at this point. Well maybe a court in South Central Los Angeles. But other than that - "it's over".

Remo :cool
The official embargo that I am abiding by is not over until 12:01am, January 1, 2004.
Re: All Bets Are Off.

Remo said:

The car is out of the closest and GM let it out. There's not a court in this land that would support any so called embargo at this point. Well maybe a court in South Central Los Angeles. But other than that - "it's over".

Remo :cool

Remo - I Think U R Close 2 A Timeout !!! :eek
Re: The Commercial

Remo said:
A couple of observations:

Hib, interesting line of thought about the "flying Aveo" and our litiguous society. Tell me, why would people be any less inclined to sue a movie theater chain than a television network?

Remo :cool

I can't answer that question. All I can do is tell you that some TV outlets asked that part be cut, then speculate that it might be for some of the same reasons that we see other things in movies which could not be put on broadcast TV.
6 Shooter,

Thanks for your concern. I hope I didn't somehow offend your sensibilities. If I did, my apologies.

BTW - I have some very close friends that live in Maryville. I get out there about once a year. Don't know if that's close to you - but it's beautiful country and the people are terrific.

Remo :cool
I hope I didn't somehow offend your sensibilities . . .

Remo - No apologies necessary . . . just having a bit of fun . . .

I live about 45 miles from Springfield, MO . . . and yes, it is pretty country with plenty of corners for da Vette. :upthumbs

Later . . . . . .
6 Shooter
no you are wrong trust me i own the car.

Somebody should say "Sorry" as it is definitely a SS Chevelle. Ain't no Impala for sure!!

I love it!!! What are the 10 new cars and trucks Chevrolet is releasing?? The C6 I know of cource, the Colorado is the S10 replacement and the SSR. What are the other 7 cars and trucks? And one more thing, what is the song playing?
reubenmc said:
I love it!!! What are the 10 new cars and trucks Chevrolet is releasing?? The C6 I know of cource, the Colorado is the S10 replacement and the SSR. What are the other 7 cars and trucks? And one more thing, what is the song playing?

Song is Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride" with added percussion and production.

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