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The View From Above

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roadfrog
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theblackvette said:
He would probably park in the middle of your driveway at your house if he came to a party of yours, preventing others from parking.

So funny you said that! I'm having a Z06 waxing party and everyone here is invited. Y'all can park sideways on the driveway or even on the lawn!! Bring beer and wax!
;LOL Speaking of which, has anyone tried the new Turtle Wax Platinum Series Ultimate Gloss? Holy Moly! The stuff is terrific, give it a try if you haven't already.

Parking Piglet

Be sure you leave Tony's Torch PLENTY of space to park his vette!

He likes to hog parking spaces! And if you are planning to serve food, be sure to order double!

This is the type of guy that would ask you, "Are you gonna eat that?" at the dinner table if he notices that you appear to have finished your meal!


Z_OH_6 said:
So funny you said that! I'm having a Z06 waxing party and everyone here is invited. Y'all can park sideways on the driveway or even on the lawn!! Bring beer and wax!
;LOL Speaking of which, has anyone tried the new Turtle Wax Platinum Series Ultimate Gloss? Holy Moly! The stuff is terrific, give it a try if you haven't already.

I hope he doesn't hear about your party!

Sorry Roadfrog for discussing "Z06 Hog's Vette's" in your thread! But this could affect you as well.

You are probably planning on having a house warming party and will use your driveway for parking. I would imagine you will be inviting several Z06 pals of yours! We want to make it clear that he needs to be courteous when it comes to parking.

Why am I even worried about him coming to the party? Only a complete buffoon would invite him to any party. Even if you didn't invite him he would show up anyway, just from smelling the food there! Better safe than sorry!

Boy BV sure edits alot

Do you guys think the blackvette is drinking when he writes??? he sure edits alot of posts.. its like he might be double thinking of what he writes about ME and is afraid of getting some BUCK shot in the backside.

I always park nutty, dont want anyone to park next to me, when i go to moms house i park in her front yard.. SURE do.. its against the law here (parking in the front yard) but i do it anyways.. front yard is mine.. right close to the front door so NO one can mess with the car im driving.

Z_OH_6 ... thanks for the comments about that beautiful torch red Z and the comments on my parking job...LOL.. thats at my place of business and it has two parking spots out front.. one for handicap and one space for regular parking well the one you see im stradling across is the handicap and the other space the back wheels are on it.. you see if i took up only one space SOME OLD lady would pull up next to me and give me a scratch across my car. behind the car is a driveway for a Shell station next to my place and theres plenty of room BV for cars to drive behind me.. SO my rearend is NOT sticking out at all. theres a curb behind me.. I have plenty more parking spaces behind the office and thats where all the others can park when im at the job site. HAHA:D

You mention car getting keyed.. Along time ago someone got one of my cars at a movie house. I was parked in the NORTH 40.. i mean when you walked up to the ticket window you could look back at my car and bearly see it because it was so far away from any other car. I've always done that IF i take my car anywhere. (which i wont let my vettes out of my sight) but back then i came out of the show and someone FOR the MEANESS of it ran a key all the way down my brand new car back then.. the whole drivers side.. i had to get the whole drivers side repainted.. thank goodness it was a white car.. pretty easy match.. but i was ****ED..

Z_OH_6 said:
So funny you said that! I'm having a Z06 waxing party and everyone here is invited. Y'all can park sideways on the driveway or even on the lawn!! Bring beer and wax!
;LOL Speaking of which, has anyone tried the new Turtle Wax Platinum Series Ultimate Gloss? Holy Moly! The stuff is terrific, give it a try if you haven't already.

Hey Z_OH_6 ive heard of that wax but never used it, that was actually Megruaire wax in that photo of the red O2 Z06 (YES BV its an 02 Z) but how hard is it to get the new Turtle Ultimate Gloss off??

Im looking for a new wax for the new Z.. also can you buy the Turtle wax at the parts house? or have to order it??

Thanks for the comments, im a crazy parking foul when it comes to my cars.. each car i've owned has been parked in that spot more than once. I've even sold some Grand National Buicks in that very same spot. Its a very busy intersection as you can see in the background and its why i wanted that piece of land for the business.

thanks to all.. even YOU Mr. BV
Tonys Torch said:
Hey Z_OH_6 ive heard of that wax but never used it, that was actually Megruaire wax in that photo of the red O2 Z06 (YES BV its an 02 Z) but how hard is it to get the new Turtle Ultimate Gloss off??

Im looking for a new wax for the new Z.. also can you buy the Turtle wax at the parts house? or have to order it??

Thanks for the comments, im a crazy parking foul when it comes to my cars.. each car i've owned has been parked in that spot more than once. I've even sold some Grand National Buicks in that very same spot. Its a very busy intersection as you can see in the background and its why i wanted that piece of land for the business.

thanks to all.. even YOU Mr. BV
Tony, you can get it almost anywhere now. It is new but being produced in mass quantities. I found it at Auto Zone. About $8 for the liquid. I'm a wax nut and have used just about every type known to car guys from paste wax to Kit soft wax to Meguiar's, Pinnacle Souveran and Liquid Glass to Zaino and now to this. The Turtle Wax Platinum Series Ultra Gloss goes on and better yet, comes off, easier than any other wax I've used except for the possibility of Black Magic Body Wet wax. But the new Turtle wax polishes up harder and glossier.
And hey Tony, I know exactly what you mean about wanting to park where people can't get to your car. What is it with mean-spirited folks that hate when another person has something nice? Is it because they don't have it that they have to harm it to make things more equitable? Aaaaaaaa!! I'm working on a plastic blow-up bubble that surrounds the car the minute you park it! ;LOL
Wow illegally parking in front of his mom's house!
I continue to see a trend here!
Arrest this man!


Tonys Torch said:
I always park nutty, dont want anyone to park next to me, when i go to moms house i park in her front yard.. SURE do.. its against the law here (parking in the front yard) but i do it anyways.. front yard is mine.. right close to the front door so NO one can mess with the car im driving.
Z_OH_6 said:
Tony, you can get it almost anywhere now. It is new but being produced in mass quantities. I found it at Auto Zone. About $8 for the liquid. I'm a wax nut and have used just about every type known to car guys from paste wax to Kit soft wax to Meguiar's, Pinnacle Souveran and Liquid Glass to Zaino and now to this. The Turtle Wax Platinum Series Ultra Gloss goes on and better yet, comes off, easier than any other wax I've used except for the possibility of Black Magic Body Wet wax. But the new Turtle wax polishes up harder and glossier.
And hey Tony, I know exactly what you mean about wanting to park where people can't get to your car. What is it with mean-spirited folks that hate when another person has something nice? Is it because they don't have it that they have to harm it to make things more equitable? Aaaaaaaa!! I'm working on a plastic blow-up bubble that surrounds the car the minute you park it! ;LOL
Thats cool Z_OH_6 i will go buy some of that wax now since its at AutoZone and try it out. I like you have tryed alot of wax products. cant stand to work all day getting the wax off. I think i will hire BV out for a few bucks to wax my Z16.. when his finger gets well.

I'll be in line when you come up with the bubble to sell. would be a great idea. YEAH people are SO mean in this world and want to hurt others nice things. its jealousy i guess and trying to impress a group of people i bet.

thanks for the reply.. tony
A few bucks? What?

I outta..........

Tonys Torch said:
Thats cool Z_OH_6 i will go buy some of that wax now since its at AutoZone and try it out. I like you have tryed alot of wax products. cant stand to work all day getting the wax off. I think i will hire BV out for a few bucks to wax my Z16.. when his finger gets well.

I'll be in line when you come up with the bubble to sell. would be a great idea. YEAH people are SO mean in this world and want to hurt others nice things. its jealousy i guess and trying to impress a group of people i bet.

thanks for the reply.. tony
I would be glad to give a tour if it didn't look like a 500 pounder exploded in the place. NOTHING is put up yet (long nasty story), and at this rate, I'm seriously going into an apartment to make my life simpler. Tonight, I would honestly have to say I made a mistake. Ask me if I'm in a good mood.....:mad

As for parking in my driveway, I would only let an enemy drive down it. It's so steep you see outer space over the hood line and just have to have the faith there is more concrete below and the brakes to keep from flying off the end of the driveway.

BTW, you guys sure are cruel about a guy and his parking habits. Now other people in other places....different story....:L

theblackvette said:
How about a photo tour of the house? Looks like a neat place. I would be interested in seeing it!

We can call it "Z06 Treehouse!"

Really, if you can, post pics of the place. Looks nice!
I agree Roadfrog, these guys are heck on Corvette parking and the owners. HEY you have to learn how long that front end is.. i started back OH i wont say what year my first Vette was but even after as many as i've had its always good to park sideways, take up two to three spaces and go for it!

Wonder why GM shorten the rear end of the Vette and not that long nose?? that sucker has always been a problem when going to 7-11.. i just park beside the store and not in front of it.

OKAY BV i will hire you to wax my car for.....okay my change and some cash.. enough for you to buy a tank or two of that 93 octane.. its 2.07 a gallon today here in Big D.
Tony's Torch is a Z06 Whino!

Can you imagine parking a Z16 at a 7-11 while going on a liquor run?

Man, here you see some guy coming out with a paper bag with the top of some bottle sticking out of the bag and then getting into the Z16!!!!!

This guy is a real piece of work. Double parks and makes liquor runs to the local 7-11. Probably stocks up on junk food there as well and throws it into the trunk of the Z06!

I would do anything to see a snapshot of a Z16 parked by a 7-11 with whinos all over the place. Wait a second, Tony's Torch do you mind taking a self portrait of you and the Z16? Be sure to have your paper bag in hand during the picture taking!!!!!! :L

Tonys Torch said:
I agree Roadfrog, these guys are heck on Corvette parking and the owners. HEY you have to learn how long that front end is.. i started back OH i wont say what year my first Vette was but even after as many as i've had its always good to park sideways, take up two to three spaces and go for it!

Wonder why GM shorten the rear end of the Vette and not that long nose?? that sucker has always been a problem when going to 7-11.. i just park beside the store and not in front of it.

OKAY BV i will hire you to wax my car for.....okay my change and some cash.. enough for you to buy a tank or two of that 93 octane.. its 2.07 a gallon today here in Big D.
theblackvette said:
Can you imagine parking a Z16 at a 7-11 while going on a liquor run?

Man, here you see some guy coming out with a paper bag with the top of some bottle sticking out of the bag and then getting into the Z16!!!!!

This guy is a real piece of work. Double parks and makes liquor runs to the local 7-11. Probably stocks up on junk food there as well and throws it into the trunk of the Z06!

I would do anything to see a snapshot of a Z16 parked by a 7-11 with whinos all over the place. Wait a second, Tony's Torch do you mind taking a self portrait of you and the Z16? Be sure to have your paper bag in hand during the picture taking!!!!!! :L
YOU guys and gals see the imagination of this guy?? dont you?? Only the Beaver would think of going to 7-11 for WINE and BEER.. Probally a regular run for the Beav each night. I bet the back of the black Z is full of sand, camera lenses and of course his phone books BV sits on to drive!

Come to TX beaver and i'll show you how to park the correct way! I teach you all about driving a Z and the manors of a Texan.

Wana Race???????????????
All this parking talk reminds me of the last time I saw someone park taking up three spaces, no matter what kind of car he was driving, I left a note on his windshield that said.
"I hope you don;t F--K like you park, because if you did you would never get it in";LOL
Since we are talking about a Texan I can understand though.:L

GO SOONERS!!!!!!!!
Just kidding Tony but I could not help my self!!!!!!!!!
Boomer Sooner

Wow you mean you guys can actually work a computer up in OK?????????

LOL.. now this could start a war!!:L

Now dont tell me your one of those types that gets mad over us great parkers taking up three or four spaces????

I just dont like bums parking next to me giving me scratches and dings plus i would never go to the post office in the Vette because in the old days i have seen little OLD ladies get out and slam their doors into other cars.

Just like BV does in his home boys state.;)

One more thing on OU.. do you guys have a professional team yet???????????

Thats right OU is your professional team..;LOL

You started it..LOL
We can't afford a professional team, our crime rate is high enough as it is.;LOL

As far as parking goes, I understand not wanting to get your car hit, I hate that but the answer is not to take up three spaces right in front, its to park out in the last row of the parking lot. Out there you can take up all the spaces you want just don't do it on the first row.:D

I have to tell a little story here, one day I was going to get a haircut, it was a long time ago when I had hair:) , and right in front of the shop was this car parked sideways taking up two spaces, well as it happen the spots on each side of him were open and myself and another car pulled up at the same time. We looked at each other and smiled then I pulled in on one side the other car pulled in on the other side and we were so close to the guy parked sideways he could only move his car 6 inches at a time in any direction, I watched him from the barber shop and it took him almost a hour moving his car back and forth 6 inches at a time to get out of that parking spot, i was laughing so hard the barber could not cut my hair.
Speaking of parking, have any of you dudes and dudettes ever stood a ways from you Vette, watched people come up to it, look in the windows, and really just admiring the car. Sure we all have....but, have you ever just hit the panic button on your key fob and watched them scatter like a flock of birds. Ms. Frog gets on me everytime I do that. Hey, it's me...I have to do it.... you understand.....;LOL
;LOLMy wife gets mad when I set car alarms off with mine, I was doing some fine tuning with my laptop this morning and set one off three times sitting in the parking lot at work and nobody came out to see who was stealing who's car so much for alarms;LOL

speaking of parking, one time when I had a broken foot I was parked in the Handycapped spot (with a legal sticker) at a resturant and when I came out there was a Cadillac parked directly behind me blocking me in. I sat and waited with the engine running and the lights on for 5 minutes while my wife went into the grocery store and got a gallon of milk. No one came out and moved it so I had to manuver back and forth and up on the curb (I had an old Blazer) to get out, so on the last pass I "grazed" the side of the Cadillac and the A****le that was standing in the window of the resturant watching me try to get out comes running out yelling "hey you hit my car" We had a brief argument ending with me showing him my IQ and splitting. Two days later I get a ticket in the mail for "Hit and Run" Turns out he was a Cop in the next town over. I go to court complete with my crutches :L and tell the Judge exactly what happened. The guy wanted me to pay $3000 to fix his car.
the Judge asked the guy if he had a handycap sticker "no". Judge asked if it was raining "no" the judge wanted to know why he thought he should have any special priveliges because he was a Cop in the next town over and said "not guilty"
The guy was P****d and waited for me outside, but one of the local Cop walked out with me and told me that the guy was a real a*****e and the case had made his day, needless to say I avoided the next town over for quite awile;LOL
I hate it when i see face prints on my glass window! Yeah, I have seen people looking into the vettes!!!!

Tonys Torch said:
Wow you mean you guys can actually work a computer up in OK?????????

LOL.. now this could start a war!!:L

Now dont tell me your one of those types that gets mad over us great parkers taking up three or four spaces????

I just dont like bums parking next to me giving me scratches and dings plus i would never go to the post office in the Vette because in the old days i have seen little OLD ladies get out and slam their doors into other cars.

Just like BV does in his home boys state.;)

One more thing on OU.. do you guys have a professional team yet???????????

Thats right OU is your professional team..;LOL

You started it..LOL

Hey BV

theblackvette said:
I hate it when i see face prints on my glass window! Yeah, I have seen people looking into the vettes!!!!
What about Buttprints.. thats what im going to leave you when i find YOU.. all over your windows.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha;LOL

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