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The View From Above

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roadfrog
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Where is the police when you need them?


Tonys Torch said:
What about Buttprints.. thats what im going to leave you when i find YOU.. all over your windows.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha;LOL
Roadfrog said:
Speaking of parking, have any of you dudes and dudettes ever stood a ways from you Vette, watched people come up to it, look in the windows, and really just admiring the car. Sure we all have....but, have you ever just hit the panic button on your key fob and watched them scatter like a flock of birds. Ms. Frog gets on me everytime I do that. Hey, it's me...I have to do it.... you understand.....;LOL
Never done that one Roadfrog:L .. i like it tho and will remember to try that one out. I can see your wife dragging you by your arm and scolding you..LOL.. aren't women something else;)
Tonys Torch said:
What about Buttprints.. thats what im going to leave you when i find YOU.. all over your windows.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha;LOL
Hey now, let's be sure not to go past butt prints....:L
Hey BV said to me if i were to do that to his car (butt prints), he would remove that window and frame it for life and never wash it again..LOL

OF course he hasn't WAXED his car yet after many months of ownership..

what a GUY!!
Why why why and why??????

Why does this guy drive a Corvette?
Why does this guy continue to park his Z06 like a fool?
Why does this guy not work for a circus?
Why does this guy think he is funny?
Why does this guy do his shopping at a 7-11?
Why does this guy eat anything that comes before him?
Why does this guy continue to drink?
Why does this guy not know how to take proper digital photos?
Why does this guy park in his moms front yard killing the grass?
Why does this guy indecently show himself in public making "prints" on windows?
Why is this guy not behind bars?

Tonys Torch said:
Hey BV said to me if i were to do that to his car (butt prints), he would remove that window and frame it for life and never wash it again..LOL

OF course he hasn't WAXED his car yet after many months of ownership..

what a GUY!!
theblackvette said:
Why does this guy drive a Corvette?
Why does this guy continue to park his Z06 like a fool?
Why does this guy not work for a circus?
Why does this guy think he is funny?
Why does this guy do his shopping at a 7-11?
Why does this guy eat anything that comes before him?
Why does this guy continue to drink?
Why does this guy not know how to take proper digital photos?
Why does this guy park in his moms front yard killing the grass?
Why does this guy indecently show himself in public making "prints" on windows?
Why is this guy not behind bars?
I guess the fingers OK then by the ammount of typing you are doing, to bad you couldnt make it to Cruise-Fest 2004 it would have been a gas to see you two in action
bossvette said:
I guess the fingers OK then by the ammount of typing you are doing, to bad you couldnt make it to Cruise-Fest 2004 it would have been a gas to see you two in action
I hope i find BV at one of the cruise-fest events so we can put on the gloves.

Of course BV's gloves will be a child size SINCE he's so small, and one of my gloves will cover his tiny broken up face.

Come out Come out where ever you are Mr. Blackvette

You can run BUT you cant HIDE!!
I rather be sick than meet up with Tony's Torch!

Yeah, fingers have healed nicely!

Would have loved to have met up with the boys and girls at the Cruise Fest!
Seeing Tony there though, would totally ruin the event for me though. Details below! I hope next time CAC will secretly e-mail the location of next years event location. Then they can "forget" to invite Tonys Torch. He reminds of the guy that spoils the party. He probably gets drunk, talks about how much he knows about Corvettes, talks about road-kill stories such as how he beat a Porsche or some other lame made up story. Then he ends up throwing up all over the carpet and has to be taken outside.

The Cruise-Fest would have been an awesome experience with only one negative though. If I went and met up with Tony I would not be able to type for months on CAC.

The surgery that I would have been required to remove Tony's skull fragments from the knuckles within my fist would have ended my ability to type.

However, on the other hand, there is a SLIM chance that we may hit it off and become the best of friends if we met at the CAC fest. But I wouldn't bet on it! There is a better chance of GM saying they were only kidding about the C6 and that there really wasn't a new design and it was just a publicity hoax. Yeah, right, me and Tony Corvette buddies. He dreams of being my Corvette buddy. I rather have explosive diarreah for two weeks than to have him sit in my Z06 for 10 seconds.


bossvette said:
I guess the fingers OK then by the ammount of typing you are doing, to bad you couldnt make it to Cruise-Fest 2004 it would have been a gas to see you two in action
How, How, How, and How???????

How does this guy consider himself a real Z06 driver?
How does this guy function in everyday society?
How does this guy not get beat up on a daily basis by others?
How does this guy type complete sentences despite being drunk?
How does this guy know how to work a 6 speed?
How does this guy figure out how to dress himself in the morning?
How does this guy figure out how to unlock his car? He can't even work the fuel door!!!!!!!
How does this guy consider himself a decent human being by parking in handicapped spots and putting "prints" on windows?
How does this guy evade the authorities?
How does this guy continue to avoid serving time in the state pen?

Tonys Torch said:
I hope i find BV at one of the cruise-fest events so we can put on the gloves.

Of course BV's gloves will be a child size SINCE he's so small, and one of my gloves will cover his tiny broken up face.

Come out Come out where ever you are Mr. Blackvette

You can run BUT you cant HIDE!!
I don't want to take sides, but I am enjoying watching this!
Frankly, I think there is a love affair going on here. We have to give them credit though. The both own Corvettes, they both have a sense of humor, and they both are smart asses. Isn't that one of the right formulas? Make love not war....just warn me about the love part, :L
Tonys Torch said:
Never done that one Roadfrog:L .. i like it tho and will remember to try that one out. I can see your wife dragging you by your arm and scolding you..LOL.. aren't women something else;)
Most assuredly women are something else!!! A force to be reckoned with! Some are most loveable and some need to be reduced....but then, the same applies to us MEN!!

If it were not for a woman, I wouldn't be here. But, ya know, she never did quite figure me out and wondered why I was so agressive and had a bullet proof mentality in her mind. I once told Mom to ask Dad about that. She did and Dad caught hell!! ;LOL ;LOL ;LOL ;LOL

PS...but ya know...Mom did figure me out. She just told me to go live in a tree and find a good Sweetie to take care of me. I took her advice!
Roadfrog said:
Most assuredly women are something else!!! A force to be reckoned with! Some are most loveable and some need to be reduced....but then, the same applies to us MEN!!

If it were not for a woman, I wouldn't be here. But, ya know, she never did quite figure me out and wondered why I was so agressive and had a bullet proof mentality in her mind. I once told Mom to ask Dad about that. She did and Dad caught hell!! ;LOL ;LOL ;LOL ;LOL

PS...but ya know...Mom did figure me out. She just told me to go live in a tree and find a good Sweetie to take care of me. I took her advice!
I like Roadfrog he makes sense about things UNLIKE another member of this forum with UGLY fingers!! MAN BV go get a manicure DUDE!! LIKE its the 00's were not back in the 70's and have dirt and mud under our nails.. HOW does your BOYFRIEND put up with you????? hahahahahaahahahaaa

OH take my side because i am handicaped.. cant you tell i have BV up my ARSE daily!! hahahahaahahahahaahahahahah... GOTCHA BV!!
You wish you had fingers like me!

I wonder how you are able to drive your vette?

Tonys Torch said:
I like Roadfrog he makes sense about things UNLIKE another member of this forum with UGLY fingers!! MAN BV go get a manicure DUDE!! LIKE its the 00's were not back in the 70's and have dirt and mud under our nails.. HOW does your BOYFRIEND put up with you????? hahahahahaahahahaaa

OH take my side because i am handicaped.. cant you tell i have BV up my ARSE daily!! hahahahaahahahahaahahahahah... GOTCHA BV!!
Z06Refugee said:
I don't want to take sides, but I am enjoying watching this!
I agree.

These two need to be on the next WWE Pay-per-view!
NC 50anny said:
I agree.

These two need to be on the next WWE Pay-per-view!
LOL!! I don't know, it could be argued that considering the weight differential, this wouldn't be a fair match-up. In keeping with the spirit of this forum, may I propose a tri-event run-off with their rides?

  • First leg of the smack down would be the best of three in a drag race. Weapons of choice, of course would be, Corvette Z06's at one-quarter mile.

  • Next leg of the competition would be a road course for elapsed time. Two laps and the best time overall wins this heat.

  • Last, and potentially the most important leg of the bout, would be parallel parking for time!! Each combatant takes three swipes at parking in between two lines. The lowest combined time, wins. Points will be taken off for parking over the lines and a major deduction will be made for parking in handicapped spaces.
We tally up the scores and the winning Z-man has bragging rights for one year.

Gentlemen, start your engines! Oh, and no parrots are allowed to make deposits on the opponents windshield!
I challenge Tony's Torch to a duel!!!!!

Sounds like an interesting competition there. But I am from the south. So is Tina's Torch. I don't want to risk bruising my fists as I know I could easily beat this guy and I don't want to be in pain. He would not even get one punch into me. I would be the one with all the moves.

Since we are both from the south why not a good New Orleans style duel?

Roadfrog can supply the weapons. I hear he has a great selection.

All we gotta do is find a great big oak tree.

After I finish off Tina and he gets all the red fluid off of him showing that I was the victor of the "red food coloring water gun duel" then we can perhaps have a second competion of the one Z_OH_6 described.

You know something, on second thought, I rather punch Tina in his face giving him two black and blue eyes. Scratch the water gun fight. The black and blue eyes will match totally with the color of his CE Z16. It willl be perfect!

Can someone set this up? Thanks. :D

Z_OH_6 said:
LOL!! I don't know, it could be argued that considering the weight differential, this wouldn't be a fair match-up. In keeping with the spirit of this forum, may I propose a tri-event run-off with their rides?

  • First leg of the smack down would be the best of three in a drag race. Weapons of choice, of course would be, Corvette Z06's at one-quarter mile.
  • Next leg of the competition would be a road course for elapsed time. Two laps and the best time overall wins this heat.
  • Last, and potentially the most important leg of the bout, would be parallel parking for time!! Each combatant takes three swipes at parking in between two lines. The lowest combined time, wins. Points will be taken off for parking over the lines and a major deduction will be made for parking in handicapped spaces.
We tally up the scores and the winning Z-man has bragging rights for one year.

Gentlemen, start your engines! Oh, and no parrots are allowed to make deposits on the opponents windshield!
I was a tree frog before I earned the honor of being a Roadfrog. There are only three Roadfrogs in existence. All three are of the "poison dart" variety. Fortunately all three are very friendly, sometimes.....;LOL

S-TEE said:
Doesn't that make you a treefrog?? :)

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