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The WOW! thread...

Nov 11, 2001
SouthCentral Ontario
WOW! That's the word that springs to mind about this year's CruiseFest.

WOW! That's the word that springs to mind about meeting so many great Corvette enthusiasts.

WOW! That's the word that springs to mind about driving a brand new 38-year-old car over 1,600 miles in one long weekend. I'm simply blown away by the car's reliability, its performance, and its acceptance by so many people.

I've got a million stories to tell about Heaven's big drive, but I'm too deaf, too tired and too :crazy to go into any detail tonight.

Thanks CAC people for a fabulous event.........a descriptive analysis about the driving part starts here tomorrow.

You're safe again America. The Canucks are home. :w

I'm gone to collapse.
I'll leave my music up for a while Bob, so you can hear it tomorrow after you've got some rest. ;)

Sleep tight! :z
Glad to see you Boys made it home all right, the one WOW you missed is HEAVEN coming up behind you at speed in the mirror :D I had just over 836 miles on mine.
bossvette said:
Glad to see you Boys made it home all right, the one WOW you missed is HEAVEN coming up behind you at speed in the mirror :D

at speed? you mean Heaven goes fast? :eyerole

BarryK said:
at speed? you mean Heaven goes fast? :eyerole


We did exceed the legal limit a few times getting on the Highway, you don't want the Semis to run you over ;LOL
yeah, i'm sure that was it, the trucks.......
I can't imagine any other reason to possibly exceed the speed limit......

except for, maybe, possibly, perhaps............. FUN!!!! :D

hey Mac, if you happen to see Heaven cruising in your neck of the woods while you were on patrol, you wouldn't pull him over would you? .......unless it was to confiscate the car for yourself! ;LOL
When you done getting a good nights sleep...look at my post about the throttle lever. Did you use the stock 67 427 lever with your 502 set up??

BarryK said:
hey Mac, if you happen to see Heaven cruising in your neck of the woods while you were on patrol, you wouldn't pull him over would you? .......unless it was to confiscate the car for yourself! ;LOL
I'm still waiting for my 'fee' to be paid, although I see that thread disappeared... :confused

Mac said:
I'm still waiting for my 'fee' to be paid, although I see that thread disappeared... :confused


hmmmmm, stiffing a cop out of his rightful payment. not a good idea to p***-off someone who carries a gun!
And a ticket book... ;)

Mac, check out the new thread - maybe THAT will get their attention
than again, maybe "someone" will make that thread disappear like they did with the other one. :L

BTW, i'm more scared of that ticket book than I am about the associated fines when I get pulled over. I can pay the fines, it's the points on the insurance that always killed me because my rates always seemed to go up.
67HEAVEN said:
C'mon Mister Administrator..... :eyerole
Okay, so I didn't look very hard. The coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Welcome back, 67!

67HEAVEN said:
Sorry, Barry. That was Administrator talk. ;LOL

oh, well excuse me for interrupting such important high-level discussions that the rest of us non-administators aren't privy too.
Driving Analysis

As promised, here's some meat to go with all the potatoes above. ;)


The calculations are in:

1,644 miles (2,645.7 km.)
116.6 U.S. gallons (97.08 Imperial gallons) (441.3 litres)

Primary cruising speeds between 70 and 85 mph....occasionally more. ;)

14.09 miles per U.S. gallon (16.93 miles per Imperial gallon)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am freakin' astonished at the mileage this baby is giving out. The thought put into rear-end gearing and transmission choice certainly paid off. And, remember, first gear is still like having a 4.56:1 rear end. :crazy

Fuel requirements for Heaven and the support vehicle (5.3litre Tahoe) were almost identical.

More coming...........

There were no mechanical failures during the entire trip. I did experience vapour-lock twice; once in Michigan and once in Indiana. The combination of extremely "bouncey-bouncey" concrete roads and very high under-hood temperatures caused a sudden absence of fuel going down the throat. Heaven gets very :eek when that happens. Thirty seconds later and all was cured.....then it was back on the southward assault.

Which brings me to a brief commentary on Michigan's portions of I-94 and I-75. :ugh :puke :bash :(
Without exaggerating, it was like riding a bucking bull in a bar. The VB&P suspension is best used in a spirited driving setting, conducted on roads. Hopefully, the citizens of Michigan will encourage their politicians to build some. :eyerole

More coming...

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