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Tires leak around rim, I've tried everything. Can I use an inner tube ?


Mar 8, 2013
1998 Black vert
Hi all
I'm not looking for any more suggestions on how to seal the leaks, believe me, I have tried everything.

Are there tubes for 275 40 18's ?
Hi all
I'm not looking for any more suggestions on how to seal the leaks, believe me, I have tried everything.

Are there tubes for 275 40 18's ?

I doubt it, plus you would lose your TPMS sensor.

There is no way I would do it even if there is one somewhere.
Dan ,you've tried everything but ya missed one thing because they are still leaking .Tell us what you've tried and fully explain whats going on ..Give us a try .
Well, I've tried stop leak a few times, plus Slime products. After I put the product in, I drove a few miles, then removed the tires and laid them on their sides hoping the product would settle around the rim area.
Another time I tried deflating the tires, and siloconed all around the bead. I used tire tools to pry the tire bead as much of the way as possible from the backside of the rim edge.
Did these multiple times, worked on the front rims, but not the back.
The wheels are wagon wheels by the way.
Maybe a crack in the rim where it isn't readily visible?
Did you remove the wheel from the car, inflate really hard and dunk it in a tub of water?

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Not a cracked rim, I've had the tires off and on the rim, and you can see bubbles around the bead, but no cracks.
Ok ,so we're the tires older when you mounted them or where the rims older with new tires .OR where new tires mounted to new rims .
You stated that these are GM Wagonwheels??? If so, they did have some issues with porous alloy in some of the wheels. Might be the problem...
Not a cracked rim, I've had the tires off and on the rim, and you can see bubbles around the bead, but no cracks.
3M Scotchbrite will also work. At the shop where I get my work done, they have a small air operated sander that they use on every wheel that they break the bead on, and have those Scotchbrite pads already made up in the correct size with "sticky back" adhesive on them. When one gets worn out, they just peel it off and slap on a new one. Seems to be a little less aggressive than sandpaper.........
Hi all
I'm not looking for any more suggestions on how to seal the leaks, believe me, I have tried everything.

Are there tubes for 275 40 18's ?
I've had the same problem. My right rear wheel had a slow leak. Tried everything. Re-chromed the wheel, fixed the problem!

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So...that wheel was a porous casting. Chromeplating can solve that problem.

Aftermarket wheels, especially those made offshore are notorious for air leakage due to porosity.

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