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Turbo Options/Evergreen Turbo

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Evergreen Turbo

Hey guys here is the number of the turbo shop here in Ocala....1-800-275-2531. The guy's name is Charlie Brown, seems real nice. just some FYI. But for my sake please don't bombard him til youre ready to do business. thanks
I'm sure the guy does good work, but... the name? :D

I talked at some length yesterday to Charlie Brown. He seems like a down to earth and knowledgeable guy who is willing to tackle difficult turbo problems. He told me that he had just obtained and machined some custom parts for a 25 year old way out of production turbo from a Big Cat. He also said that his Dad actually used to work for Rotomaster.

He said that he was quite familiar with the Rotomaster TO4B turbos, but was not familar with the fact that the Callaway TTs use different turbo housings for the left and right side (at least I think that is the case). He did think that he could obtain parts and repair even the most severely damaged Rotomasters. That would be wonderful news for 88-91 TT owners.

Bottom line: I think we should test this out. Has anyone got any hurt Rotomasters that have been pronounced "non-rebuildable" in the past that they would send to Charlie for analysis or repair? If not, would you sell one or two of your hurt turbos to me and I will try him out myself and let everyone know of result?

I think the value of these cars will improve no matter what in the future, but I think the prices will do much better if we have some good answers (not speculations) to severe turbo problems.
I Totally agree

mangusta1969 said:
Bottom line: I think we should test this out.
I think the value of these cars will improve no matter what in the future, but I think the prices will do much better if we have some good answers (not speculations) to severe turbo problems.

Steve, Thanks for making the call to the turbo shop!
If anyone can help Steve out, please contact him or, see if this Rebuilding avenue works out yourself, and let us all know :beer
Thank you! *89x2*
I'm not aware of the left and right housings being different... but I never really looked closely.

I have a spare T04B Rotomaster but it hasn't been pronouced "non- rebuildable". It's just a used unit off of a Callaway that was replaced under warranty. Supposedly after an incorrect diagnosis that it was having a problem. Do you guys want to take up a collection and we'll test this guy out? :D

I wish I was able to acquire the two that were removed from my car when it was rebuilt just before I bought it. The previous owner never asked for them, Callaway kept them and they mysteriously disappeared. :(
Fla Turbo Shop

I might be wrong on the left and right turbos being different, but I seem to remember that from some cobwebbed area of my brain. Anyway, I would be willing to purchase your turbo and send it in for a rebuild.

I would also be willing to pay for the two way shipping down/back to Charlie Brown's shop for a diagnosis/estimate of rebuild costs and to determine whether Charlie can come up with some type of modern replacement for the Rotomasters.

If approach one or two above does not sound good, do you have a digital camera with which to take several closeups of your turbo assembly? That might give Charlie enough to go on for some housing replacement/repair ideas. I am not sure if he has a computer/email capability, but if not I can mail him pretty big color pictures from your digital photos, too.

Thanks for responding, I think this is an important issue for all TT owners who actually drive their cars a bit.
Steve - I'm definitely not inclined to sell it. But thanks for your offer I think it's great you're trying to determine the feasibility of getting these things refurbished. I'm somewhat on the fence about sending it there as an experiment. The digital pictures would be no problem at all.

Wasn't Turbonetics doing most of the rebuilds on these things? I thought that's what I heard and the reason I ask is that if I were going to get a rebuild I'd rather go with a known source that has had experience with this particular turbo.

2255 Agate Court
Simi Valley, CA 93065

Ph: 805.581.0333
Fax: 805.584.1913

They have an entire page of turbo pieces and parts that is a mile long including T04Bs. I don't know about the water cooled housings though.

Turbo Research


I understand completely your reluctance to part with your "spare" turbo. If you could take a couple of close up digital pictures from several different angles I will send them and discuss with Charlie. Maybe he has some undiscovered sources.

I live about 90 miles from TurboCity in Anaheim and about 110 miles from Turbonetics in Simi Valley. I can take your digital pictures up to those guys and see what they have to say as well.

Does anyone have any good under the car (installed) pictures of both turbos? Those would probably be handy to show the turbo rebuilder guys in case there are some other housings that might fit in there.

You can send any number of pictures to my regular email:


Turbo Research


Thanks for the pictures. I will put these into Photoshop and see what we get.

But I think the best approach is to get some detailed digital pix from 90 Callaway's spare turbo and see what the turbo experts think.

a renewed source

Word from Callaway Cars Ted Rice is, the company now can rebuild some turbo's... "...the seal and bearing kits are now available; but if there is damage to the turbine shaft or housing, then you would be hard pressed to find replacements. " Ted stresses, that the turbos are durable and barring a total failure, they can be rebuilt.
A while ago, a forum member said they had a wastegate rebuilt by Callaway for less than another company had quoted...
This is promising news as it sounded like these parts recently became avail to the Callaway cars folks :)

I do think the Evergreen option deserves further investigation - Mangusta1969 has taken the lead on this task - any help you can lend him is appreciated :beer
Unfortunately the turbos usually fail with a cracked housing or an impeller hitting the housing. My car alone is responsible for three cracked housings and another one with the impeller hitting the housing... so that's four replaced turbos in all.

I owe Steve some detailed pictures of my spare. I've just been really busy this past week so I'm still trying to get it done. I expect to have them to him by the w/e.
90Callaway said:
I owe Steve some detailed pictures of my spare. I've just been really busy this past week so I'm still trying to get it done. I expect to have them to him by the w/e.

Kevin - we were just talking turbos tonite over Pizza :beer

Hopefully you are getting good news this week??
Rotomaster Turbo Pix/Numbers Needed

Here is a Photoshop-massaged jpeg photo of the Callaway Twin Turbo setup that 89*2 sent me. This is for the right turbo assembly. In a second message, I will post a second picture showing the left turbo assembly.

Can anyone send me or the forum some more detailed pictures of the Rotomaster TO4B turbo assemblies, as used in 89-91 TT cars? Please send them to my regular email address (steve@bigdog.ads-oh.atg.titan.com) to avoid any attachment size limitations. The bigger and more detailed the picture, the better.

Are there any part numbers attached to or stamped/cast into the TO4B housing? Stan Adelman provided this number a while back: RM26AS063A18
Can anyone verify whether this is a Rotomaster number or a number provided by Callaway Cars? A turbo guy that I was talking to several weeks ago said that he though the Rotomaster number would start with the digits "104" and that it would be helpful to him for cross-reference/parts purposes to have the complete number from a unit that was in a Callaway Corvette.

I am looking for this detailed information in order to develop some parts sources or alternative setups for 89-91 turbo units that cannot be rebuilt (e.g. cracked housings, severe impeller/housing contact, etc.).

Thanks for your help.

Picture of Left Turbo (89-91 cars)

Here is a jpeg image of a the left turbo. Image quality is not too good, because this started as a scan from a magazine photo.

Better photos will be a big help as I try to find some parts and rebuild sources. Send them to steve@bigdog.ads-oh.atg.titan.com. Any photo size is okay.

Turbo options

Does anyone know the specs for the TO4B turbos on these cars. I need one and nobody knows the specs. Anyone? Need the A/R ratios for the turbine side and the compressor side. Its for an '88 TT. Thanks. If anyone has a compressor map for one of these turbos that would be greaat too!
For a fisrt post, you sure picked a tough subject ;)
Seriously, options are being researched right now...
I know Callaway Cars is working on a customers car right now and has taken the turbo's from the display to try to make parts.

Do you need the entire turbo or, a rebuild? The parts to rebuild (w/ the exception of the shaft and housing) are avail through Callaway cars rebuild service and at the top of this forum is a link for Evergreen turbo in Fla - who seems very enthusiastic about rebuilding a T04 for a B2K)

Please let us know the end result of your turbo rebuild as this is a VERY important topic.
Thanks - *89x2*

Thanks for the welcome and sorry to ask such a hard first question. The problem is I removed the turbo myself and a friend(now ex-friend) tapped on the shaft on the compressor side to get it out(I stepped away to answer the doorbell). There was only slight play and no contact to the housing. The problem is he damaged the tip of the shaft a little bit. Its not too bad just a little flattened and I think if I run a tap over the threads it will be fine. The problem is the bearings. No one has them. I didn't know callaway has them I just want the kit and will install them myself. Will they sell me the rebuild kit? I will install the bearings and have the turbo balanced locally. I do not want to spend 2k on a turbo. There has to be an option. I think with the A/R Ratio's and/or the compressor map I can find something in the aftermarket for alot less. I would rather upgrade to a more common turbo than spend alot on one that is going to get harder and harder to repair/rebuild. Thanks.
I am not sure if Callaway Cars sells the parts or, if they perform the service for you - Call Ted Rice (or e mail at trice@callawaycars.com ) to see or, call Charlie Brown at Evergreen Turbo 1-800-275-2531 and see what he has for suggestions.

Please keep everyone informed of your status with this as it is bound to affect every B2K owner at some point or another.
-Thanks *89x2*

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