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Question: Valve cover gaskets

paul robb

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
1966 silver pearl coupe
Getting ready to change the valve cover gaskets on the 66 and with all the different types, Rubber, Cork, rubber cork mix I would like the opinions of what others are using ? They all seam to work well but I would like to get some thoughts on this. :thumb
Felpro PermaDryPlus. A rubber gasket with a steel core to prevent overtightening, no sealant needed. just make sure both surfaces are clean, install the gasket dry and you are done. It will come back off as easy as it went on.
I agree. Fel-Pro....great stuff. I use Fel-Pro sealing products exclusively in my shop.

For rocker covers, the steel-cored, rubber gaskets make sealing the covers pretty easy. Only tip I'd add is if these covers are sheet metal, ie: Big-blocks or he SB base engine, you want to make sure the gasket surface on each over is reasonably straight with no big bends or warpage.
The valve covers are the corvette aluminum. Thanks for the your input guys....
I agree. The Fel Pro steel core are the only way to go. I wish these were available back when.


I'm having mine done before I take it out of storage this spring, and I'm going to stay with cork.

After reading these posts, maybe the Felpro(?) are the way to go.
The cork covers are difficult to remove and you always have to worry about cork falling inside the valves when scraping. I'll have to look into these - this is the 1st time I've ever heard of them.

I think you will be happier getting away from the cork. They compress, harden and leak eventually. There's no way around it. Back in the '60s when we all ran solid lifter cams in everything, the valve covers came off regularly for adjustments. We bought neoprene gaskets from NAPA for $1.50 a pair and they lasted forever. I still have a pair on my '59 after all these years and they are still flexible. These were not neoprene coated cork but solid and didn't stick to the head or valve cover. I consider the Fel Pro gaskets to be the best thing since these were available. Good thing too. I don't have any more of the neoprene left unused.

Thanks to everyone. after a lot of though I have decided to go with the fel-pro permadryplus QVS 12869 T for my small block. They are a little expensive but in the long run I think they will be well worth there cost. Nothing worse than leaking valve cover gaskets. :beer

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