Jack said:
First, you recorded a telephone conversation between the 5 Star owner and yourself ... without the guy knowing you did so ... then you put a link to that telecon up here on CAC for any & all to listen to ... THAT's WRONG PARTNER!:nono
Frankly, it don't matter if 5 Star is at fault or not ... because YOU'RE WRONG.
Of course you have your opinion, but as far as the legalities of posting a recorded conversation...or recording a conversation for that matter...
please research your thoughts before you publically post them. You may be a fine Corvette mechanic, but don't give up your day job to be an attourney.
I used to work for one of the "top 3" insurance companies in the country. I'm familiar with the laws about recording others. Only one has to give consent, one did,
mainly me...
Oh yeah, and the recording device cant be part of the phone system itself...covered there...
And even if the judge rendered it inadmissable, notice I had a witness...you cant tell me that I cant have someone present during a speakerphone coversation, I can play that for whomever I want, it belongs to me...
And for thier business ethics, and whether I did right or wrong??? I have to say that siding with him after hearing that conversation is a little nieve...
Read some books about business ethics, or hell, review your own morals...would you do that to somebody??? Maybe you would, none of us
really know you, do we???
To put this into perspective...
Would it be ok to hire your son to mow my lawn all summer, condition being I pay him the sum of all mows at the end of the summer (a BIG score for him). Come September, he calls, he calls, he emails, 6 weeks go by...he calls with the
intent only to send a bill
So I decide early November that I wont pay him because he sent me a bill for his services...and I was offended by that. It was "pushy".
By atty advice, the right thing to do is to serve a bill and give him 60 days, which I will. The 6 weeks was a gift as far as the attys concerned...
The reason I refer to court, is that he promised he wouldnt pay, there is no in between, no second chance for me, you heard him...
The reason I came here, is because he's got a 100% failure rate. Me and space cowboy, both screwed. Know someone they didnt screw?? good point?? Is this a pattern? Who knows, thank god there are people like us to watch out for others...why dont you buy one of thier engines and prove us wrong then...
Anyway, its now for Chris and the judge to decide, not you...
p.s.-ban me then...