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Site Update: Welcome New Industry Partner - Zip Products


Site Administrator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
New Hampshire
1990 Corvette ZR-1
:upthumbs to Zip

I used them several times when redoing RARE, and was never disappointed with what I received from them.

Welcome Aboard... :upthumbs

Now about that retro discount from 1997 to today ;LOL :chuckle
Just Joking ;)

Bud Dougherty
Roof panel hanger by ZIP

:ohnoesDoes anyone use a Roof Panel Wall hanger such as the one in Zip's catalog? It's part number X-1859. I really need to get my 2nd top off of the floor.
I've used them for both my 91, 94 and 02 and find that they are reliable, quick, and very curteous when talking to them on the phone. I appreciate that they are a sponsor on CAC and wish them the best. So I add my welcome to Bud's.
I can vouch for these guys. There showroom is just the next town over from me. I've been there a couple of times, very nice place to go, very helpful and kind staff!! Glad to have Zip as a new Industry Partner!

I bought it

:ohnoesDoes anyone use a Roof Panel Wall hanger such as the one in Zip's catalog? It's part number X-1859. I really need to get my 2nd top off of the floor.

After the high praises from several CAC members about Zip products, I decided to buy the hanger. You guys were right. The people at Zip were great to work with and I too highly recommend them.:upthumbs

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