In October I try to wash and wax, condition leather, silicone grease the weatherstripping. Around Thanksgiving I add fuel stabilizer to a full tank and put in in my garage on jackstands and cover it with a technalon cover then a waterproof cover. I stuff a few dryer sheets in the tailpipes.
I have just been letting the battery die and then in the Spring give it a 24 hour charge and this has been working fine for about six years same battery. But I'm told I'm taking a risk with the ECU so maybe this year I will disconnect battery. My garage is not heated but generally does not get below 32 since it is attached to the house.
I have just been letting the battery die and then in the Spring give it a 24 hour charge and this has been working fine for about six years same battery. But I'm told I'm taking a risk with the ECU so maybe this year I will disconnect battery. My garage is not heated but generally does not get below 32 since it is attached to the house.