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What kind of rear end do I have?

81 Corvette

Well-known member
May 12, 2003
1981 Pearl White
Its a stock 81 rear end. I know the gears are a 2.87, and I believe it to be a dana 44 that can hold up to a 3.54 gear. Correct me if i'm wrong. The shop i'm talking to is ****ing me off, acting if i don't know anything about cars. I don't believe it will be going there.
Yes it is a Dana 44 and your carrier should be able to go up to 3.73's without change. If you don't like that shop, don't take it to them! There are to many good one's out there!

Tweek said:
Yes it is a Dana 44 and your carrier should be able to go up to 3.73's without change. If you don't like that shop, don't take it to them! There are to many good one's out there!
This is correct; I had 3.73s installed in my '82, with the Dana-44, last year, but I had been 'told' (but never confirmed) that ZIP Products had either 3.90 or 4.11 gears that would fit the 'stock' Series-3 carrier...
Macgyver said:
I was wondering what mine was as well a while back and I came across this

So it says that I have a 3.33 rear end since my tires are 255/60/15 and at 85 my engine turns at 3500rpms. I dont know how common that is though. It takes off nicely.
I don't think Chevy ever put 3.33:1 gears in ANY of it's cars; I know that some came with 3.31s, and others came with 3.36s...
I think all '81s came with 2.72s or 2.87s; maybe somebody previous to you had 3.31s installed.

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