This is one of those times that you get your friends together fire up the heater in the garage and start manipulating the car.(hehe) I agree with chris and page82 the out come is fantastic. The only sad part is cutting up the bezel, but trust me you get over that once you hear the quality in the music from upgrade. When I put my radio in it was a good week to 2 week ordeal. Of course i am one of those picky people who has to get everything perfect. I actually had 2 of my best friends cut my bezel for me while i was busy yelling at them to not mess it up. To cut the bezel take a ruler push it up against the round pieces where the knobs go draw a line it should be inline with the bottom and top of the square hole in the middle and do the same on the top then connect the lines on the sides the same way as close to the circle as possable. They used a utility knife and cut the sides and used a jig saw for the top and bottem portion. Test fit and trim till it fits. Running the wires is simple the carpet is almost all totally removable so you can pull it back put the wires down and wala it looks stock. of course to me the hardest part in the whole thing was taking off the console panels. I ran the ground to the front by the radio for the amp although there are other areas that you can run it to. Running the wires takes 10-20 min. One thing i say you do is first buy the deck, sub and amp. Put it in hook up your factory speakers and sub/amp and start the car and listen to the music. i thought i needed to replace my stock speakers but after changing the deck and stuff i relized the HUGE difference in sound. My personal opinion is unless the rear and front speakers are blown don't change them it is a waste of $$. if you want to get a good deal on radio stuff i recommend working at best buy if you have on around where you live. The discount as an employee is tremendous. I counted how much i paid for my equipment with employee discount ($250 for a deck, amp wires, rear speakers and the replacement plan) and for a customer it would have been over $500 they give you 5% over cost of the products. I bought my sub and amp used from my friend for $75 look around you can find good deals. Let people know you are looking they will let you know if someone is selling thier stuff.