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Who has installed Power Steeroids™...

Don't even think about it

Fuelie said:
Stepinwolf (Bob),

Great post. Every time I talk to you or read an e-mail or post from you, I want to build a new project:D

This work stuff is eating into my free time......I guess I need to semi-retire again;LOL

Take care,

Fuelie, Don't ever let me catch you thinking about giving up on the work thingy, you are still to damm young to even think about stopping any day soon. My grandpa use to say " work never killed anyone ", but inactivity sure will.

So I guess we should keep on doing this till we drop. Boy, that sure would be one of a hell of a way to go, working on Corvettes till we die :beer
What's this

67Heaven, what's up with the new Avatar. :confused

A permanent change, or are you just screwing with our minds :W

Stephin wolf excelent documentation ,Its wonderfull to here some one EXPERT option on a product.Great job and thanks for sharing.

I also think your car looks outstanding.

So what the deal Bob do you think your going to try adding power steering? Or do you have some extra money your trying to burn up on the car?

Best of luck with your choice and as always if it add's comfort to your driving the car I say go for it, What else will you do with all of the addtional free time you will have this winter

I'm going ahead with this idea. Thanks to Stepinwolf's excellent documentation, I'm convinced it's the way to go.

I'm experiencing too much front-end wander on uneven road surfaces. With the stock, manual steering, I'm forever correcting and I can't relax and enjoy the ride.

On a smooth Interstate, no problem. But, if the heavy trucks have created ruts on the right lane, or the road is choppy and potholed.........yuck! Those big front tires want to follow the ruts.

Bob, you and I will be talking soon. :D
IH2LOSE said:
Stephin wolf excelent documentation ,Its wonderfull to here some one EXPERT option on a product.Great job and thanks for sharing.

I also think your car looks outstanding.

So what the deal Bob do you think your going to try adding power steering? Or do you have some extra money your trying to burn up on the car?

Best of luck with your choice and as always if it add's comfort to your driving the car I say go for it, What else will you do with all of the addtional free time you will have this winter

Thank's for your kind words, but EXPERT is pushing it a bit. It would also oblige me to fill some really big shoes, and for now, even after all these years, I to, am still going through the learning process.

Thank's also for the compliments on my car, Sadely you really have to see it up close to appreaciate it.

67HEAVEN said:

I'm going ahead with this idea. Thanks to Stepinwolf's excellent documentation, I'm convinced it's the way to go.

I'm experiencing too much front-end wander on uneven road surfaces. With the stock, manual steering, I'm forever correcting and I can't relax and enjoy the ride.

On a smooth Interstate, no problem. But, if the heavy trucks have created ruts on the right lane, or the road is choppy and potholed.........yuck! Those big front tires want to follow the ruts.

Bob, you and I will be talking soon. :D

When ever is good for you, will work for me. E-me to confirm the time
Thanks for your offer

VBP said:

Thanks very much for the feedback. I am going to print out the entire thread and bring it to our next meeting. If you want, just fax your resume to 727-347-4818… J Then call personnel for salary and benefit options...

Alan G.
Vette Brakes & Products, Inc.

Thank you for your generous offer of employment Alan, but previous obligations would not permit me to do an employment change for now. You could though, consider me as being on staff, without having to pay me, so that would even be less expensive for the firm.

However if you really want to thank me, and make my day at the same time, I would settle for a picture of my car on the cover of your next product catalogue. Most of the replacement parts come from VBP anyway.

Thanks again for your kind words, and keep me informed of any developments regarding the various manufacturers who might be involved in modifications, or upgrades.

Best regards
stepinwolf said:
Thank's for your kind words, but EXPERT is pushing it a bit. It would also oblige me to fill some really big shoes, and for now, even after all these years, I to, am still going through the learning process.

Thank's also for the compliments on my car, Sadely you really have to see it up close to appreaciate it.



Great job on the conversion and super description of what is involved. See you in New Hampshire.

Rich Lagasse
As Joey would say " HOW U DO-UN "

richscorvettes said:

Great job on the conversion and super description of what is involved. See you in New Hampshire.

Rich Lagasse

God willing I should be pulling into the " Super Chevy Show " on Friday the 29th sometime around noon. Looking forward to seeing you also.


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