If I recall --The '67 models did NOT have that sticker.
I believe you are correct, unless the information in the established books and guides has changed:
Vette Vues Fact Book 1963-1967 (M.F. Dobbins, 9th Edition) p. 367-368 shows the "Air Conditioned" window sticker for 1963-1965 and the different/changed window sticker for 1966, and says specifically that "
No label was used in 1967".
Corvette Restoration & Technical Guide, Vol. 2 (1963-1967, Noland Adams) p. 60 details the same changes from 1963-1965 version to the 1966 version of the window sticker, and then states "
Air-conditioned Corvettes did not have the 'Air Conditioned' window label in 1967, and the Frigidaire air compressor label was changed from the 1966
I checked the judging guides for more recent information. I could find no mention of the "
Air Conditioned" window sticker in the
1967 Judging Guide (4th edition, Winter 2005 printing). The
1966 Judging Guide (2010 printing, p. 57)
does reference the "
Air Conditioned" window sticker, but unless Dobbins and Adams are incorrect, the 1966 Judging Guide mistakenly describes and shows the
1963-1965 sticker,
not the
1966 sticker (see Dobbins and Adams page references above for the correct 1966 sticker).
Either way, no "Air Conditioned" window sticker for 1967.
Hope this helps,