Welcome to the Corvette Forums at the Corvette Action Center!

New member to CAC.


Jan 4, 2015
Hoffman Estates IL
1994 Corvette coupe
Hello members of CAC. I'M new to the forum and an owner of a clean low mileage 94 Vette coupe of 3 years. Color is Black Rose. I have to say that I love it. In my 3 years I've done several things minor things to it which seam to be normal. Rubber seals, A/C unit, & tires. Can't complain about that!
If anyone from on the forum is from Chicago area, say hello. I try to get out to many local cars shows. See you there.
Welcome to CAC!!!
Welcome to Corvette Action Center

Hello members of CAC. I'M new to the forum and an owner of a clean low mileage 94 Vette coupe of 3 years. Color is Black Rose. I have to say that I love it. In my 3 years I've done several things minor things to it which seam to be normal. Rubber seals, A/C unit, & tires. Can't complain about that!
If anyone from on the forum is from Chicago area, say hello. I try to get out to many local cars shows. See you there.

Welcome aboard we're glad you've joined us :happyanim:

Welcome to CAC. You'll find many knowledgeable people here. I know we have many people from the Chicago area. :w
Welcome aboard!!


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