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  1. rrubel

    EGR looseing vacuum??

    Before you yank the plenum (not a bad job, btw), check the vac lines running to the EGR. You can see most of them without moving anything. There's a vac switch or something just behind the radiator neck that had a loose hose on my car. It was in place, but needed pushing into place. [RICHR]
  2. rrubel

    failed emissions, where to start?

    IIRC there are two way to get air in at idle - a small hole in the center of the TB (not sure if that was still used in our years) and/or the IAC. I'm told a count of "20" is good; WinALDL will measure that. [RICHR]
  3. rrubel

    EGR looseing vacuum??

    A vac leak can cause a number of things... if it causes you to have unburnt fuel, then I guess it could cause high hydrocarbons... [RICHR]
  4. rrubel

    EGR looseing vacuum??

    I've got a gauge here you're welcome to borrow for a week or so. A vac leak could be anything under the plenum including the runners... best bet is to spray carb cleaner (with the little straw directing it) at various areas while the engine is running and see if the idle goes up. [RICHR]
  5. rrubel

    failed emissions, where to start?

    Honestly, most of your fuel pressure loss is probably due to leaking injectors. That's normal in a car with that age. As long as the pressure stays steady while the engine is idling, I wouldn't bang my head against the hood worrying about it. Check operation of the PCV system - that's...
  6. rrubel

    vacuum lines discounted, nothing happens?

    You're saying you've got the tube from the throttle body *AND* a breather? That's a definite no-no on a MAF car - air comes through the MAF, gets diverted to the crankcase by the tube on the TB, then gets metered out by the PCV valve and fed back into the intake on the driver's side. Adding...
  7. rrubel

    Head Light Knob

    You may have to call and ask... they had a whole couple tables of resto parts like that. [RICHR]
  8. rrubel

    Head Light Knob

    As I said, try www.lonestarcaliper.com; they have just the knob. [RICHR]
  9. rrubel

    More Problems....

    Well, you shouldn't hear pressure release from the schrader valve unless you're pushing the valve stem, which will result in gas shooting out. As for gas from the vac fitting, it sounds like the diaphragm in your FPR is leaking. Have you pulled it recently or something? Was that one of the...
  10. rrubel

    failed emissions, where to start?

    So what would explain high HCs, high-but-still-passing CO, and great NOx? I also failed my emissions (but they did the full test, not just the idle one) and need to get it done now within a week or two before the deadline runs out. Tigman, if your fan comes on at 170, you probably don't have a...
  11. rrubel

    Head Light Knob

    Steve, you can buy just the knob... Prices vary from $6 to $15, I've found. [RICHR]
  12. rrubel

    Head Light Knob

    I picked up two from www.lonestarcaliper.com at Carlisle for $10. Aftermarket but look stock. You're welcome to either my old one (which comes off, but not THAT easily) or another I got that doesn't have the light symbol on it. [RICHR]
  13. rrubel

    Time has come to sell my Vette :(

    Thursday would be fine... Call before you come up, though. [RICHR]
  14. rrubel

    Aluminum pedals ?

    I've got the Autovation ones. Real nice, though my carpet was apparently off-center so the dead pedal doesn't line up right (it's optional anyway). They attach to the existing parts for the gas, but you remove the pads for the brake/clutch and drill into the metal. [RICHR]
  15. rrubel

    Time has come to sell my Vette :(

    You could probably drop the stuff off tonight or tomorrow... [RICHR]
  16. rrubel

    Time has come to sell my Vette :(

    Dude, you're gonna kill yourself! Seriously, looks like a fun car... We need to talk about some of the stuff you've got lying around to sell. [RICHR]
  17. rrubel

    Anyone have a scanner

    Vetteboy, don't think of this as writing a program - think of it as creating lookup data tables for another program to read. You're essentially populating a hardware database (MEMCAL) that the program (ECM) will read. Make more sense that way? [RICHR]
  18. rrubel

    Anyone have a scanner

    That sucks... did the tires hold out? I need to verify my O2 operation still, but with these coated headers I do think it's going into closed-loop. After a fairly short distance (1/2 to 3/4 mile) the engine changes sound slightly and the gas mileage readout shoots WAY up - from 8 to 18 or so...
  19. rrubel

    PROMinator group purchase on another forum

    Mic, you'll probably want to order your own since it replaces the MEMCAL. That, or we share the use of it for tuning and one of us gets a chip burned with the best setup while the other uses the PROMinator. You STILL haven't said how you did at the track! [RICHR]
  20. rrubel

    better front spoiler

    Brakes are done. Only driven the car once or twice since I put them on, but I feel a big difference. Not sure how much of that is also due to the new fluid, but the car stops a LOT more solidly. Give me a call like Thursday or something; I'm going to be unavailable most of the weekend, it...
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