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  1. H

    power steering unit replacement

    Alrighty then, thanks for the info all. Next weekend is power steering rebuild/replacement!
  2. H

    power steering unit replacement

    Heyas all, getting ready to replace my power steering valve, cylinder and the 4 hoses and was wondering if I should go ahead and replace the power steering unit out while I am at it? It is not leaking and is in great working condition.
  3. H

    '79 dash speakers

    good info! Thanks also Bud
  4. H

    Bushing replacement

    thank you JohnZ I hope that it will not cost an arm and a leg...I am thinking the body mounts are alright but the other mounts are for sure in need of repair. Thank you again!
  5. H

    Bushing replacement

    Well more than likely all of them, they are all originals..I had my car in for state inspection and my mechanic said that I should get my bushings replaced asap! So I assume that all need fixed...he mentioned a torch a press among other tools, which I have no access to ...so I will be paying for...
  6. H

    Bushing replacement

    Going to get my bushing replaced. Is there anything I should have looked at as long as I have the 'Vette in the shop? I have had her for just over year, and have not had to do to many things to it since. It is a 1979 L82, and has 38,000 miles on it. Also, is it a big job to replace the...
  7. H

    Woodward Dream Cruise posters wanted

    I have seen these posters in various websites on and company's walls, but was wondering if anyone knew how to get them? I have checked ebay, but the wait along with the price seem to be a little outrageous. I was wondering if anyone had the company's website or and info on where to get these...
  8. H

    Corvette patches??

    Was wondering if anyone knew of somewhere that sold Corvette patches..do not want to get into anything that offers a patch a month or anything like that, just somewhere that offered single patches for sale etc. Thanks in advance.
  9. H

    T-Top Alignment ??

    tag for later :)
  10. H

    Power Steering leaks

    Looking into getting mine done this summer also!
  11. H

    Anti-freeze on the intake manifold???

    Thanks Dman....took off the hose and readjusted the clamp...so far so good, keeping an eye out for any more leakage...will try the other suggestions if more leakage appears!!! thanks again!
  12. H

    Anti-freeze on the intake manifold???

    So true. At least you do not have to be a college grad and hold several degrees to work on the new ones! (runs and hides from the c4 thru c6 crowd)
  13. H

    Anti-freeze on the intake manifold???

    None that I have seen as of yet. That is a good thing !
  14. H

    Anti-freeze on the intake manifold???

    Oh yes I hace a nice set of wrenches! Geez the price we pay for older cars :)
  15. H

    Anti-freeze on the intake manifold???

    Thanks DPF. I hope too that the thermostat is my problem...I can fix that! It seems it leaks after I turn of the car and let the car sit...it is on level ground, so I will keep an eye out just to make sure....thanks again!
  16. H

    Anti-freeze on the intake manifold???

    I pulled my L82 out yesterday to let it run for awhile since it was a decent day yesterday. I noticed a small puddle of anti-freeze on the ground, on the passenger side towards the front of the engine. Closer inspection, I noticed 2 small puddles of anti freeze on top of the intake manifold...
  17. H

    Poll: Who Did You Buy Your current C3 From?

    Well, I was more or less given mine. My dad and I have alway been 'vette nuts, and would alway hit the shows or showrooms. Both of us alway's dreamed of owning one, but never felt that we could afford it*L* My dad passed away last June, and left me some money, so I went down to a local...
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